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Getting Started

Ad Generator 3.0

  1. Login to my.med
  2. Select ‘Ad Generator 3.0’ under Faculty Administration

Interfolio Faculty Search

  1. Login to my.med
  2. Select ‘Interfolio’ under Faculty Administration
  3. Select ‘Positions’ under ‘Faculty Search’ to see faculty positions

1. Upload your Advertising

2. Review all Applicants

Note: the “Application Not Reviewed” disposition code cannot be used since all applicants must be reviewed.

3. Select Preferred Candidate

4. For the Preferred Candidate, scroll down to the Notes section and Add a “Hiring Note” that

  • Describes your outreach in the search
  • Outlines the reason for selecting candidate

5. The Office of Academic Affairs will review the search to ensure completion of steps 1-4 above.  If approved, a case will be created in Interfolio RPT to upload the Appointment Dossier.