Reporting Events Related to Bias and Racism for University Employees

Reporting events related to bias and racism strongly encouraged.  Remember that verbal assault, is still assault.

If you are a University employee, report your incident here to access the UPENN Bias Incident Reporting Form.

This reporting tool is for non-emergency incidents only.  For emergencies, please call:

  • The PENN POLICE at (215) 573-3333 or 511 from a campus phone, or
  • COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES at (215) 898-7021, option #1, or
  • UNIVERSITY HELP LINE at (215) 898-HELP (898-4357)

Every effort will be made to evaluate your report promptly, however, the timing and manner in which Penn addresses the report will depend upon the information provided and whether you wish to remain anonymous. Penn does not guarantee it will respond to reports. This form may be used to report incidents of bias involving Penn students, faculty, or staff. Please complete one form per incident.  You are not required to provide your name or contact information. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. However, the information contained in this report will be shared with appropriate University officials involved in any subsequent monitoring, investigation, or resolution of the incident. Penn takes the reports made through this site seriously. Please make your report as detailed as possible.

The form includes the following questions:

Do you wish to remain anonymous? - (Yes / No), If you wish to remain anonymous, please ensure that the auto-fill is disabled on your web browser. Please close your browser after you have submitted the form.  In addition to, or instead of completing this form, you may contact one of the University’s confidential resource offices for advice and support.

Date you learned about the Incident – (Month, Day, Year)

Name of the Respondent (person whose behavior is the subject of this report) and the School/Division/Department with which they are affiliated.

Date and Time of Incident - (Month, Day, Year / Hour: Minute am/pm)

Have you reported this incident to other Penn offices? If so, please list them below:

Have you reported this incident to other Penn offices? If so, please list here:

Location of Incident – (On-Campus / Off-Campus)

Please provide the name of the location or describe it below.

Type of Incident

  • Harassment - Sexual, Verbal, Written (including online, text and email), Other
  • Discrimination
  • Damage to Property
  • Hazing
  • Stalking
  • Written Slur/Graffiti
  • Disruption to the community
  • Other

Basis of Incident. (Why do you believe this incident occurred?)

  • Age
  • Ancestry/National Origin
  • Citizenship Status/Immigration Status
  • Disability
  • Sex/Gender
  • Gender Identity or Gender Expression
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Political Views or Affiliation
  • Veteran Status
  • Other

Description of the incident

As the University considers your report and determines an appropriate response, your suggestions are welcome. Would you like the University to respond to this incident? - (Yes / No), Please describe any suggested responses.

You may provide your name and request that it be held in confidence as the inquiry goes forward. If you request that your identity remain confidential, the person handling the inquiry will do so to the extent practicable and permitted by University policy and applicable laws. Penn’s ability to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action may be impeded if your identity is not provided to the person responding to the complaint. Depending on the nature of the allegations(s) raised (e.g. unlawful discrimination or sexual violence), conducting a fair and complete investigation may require that the full details of the incident, including your identity be shared. In those instances, all parties will be advised of the University’s policy against retaliation for making complaints.

Name, Penn Affiliation, Email, Phone


Official Reporting Programs include:

Unofficial Reporting

  • Social Media
  • Anonymous Letters & Emails