March 25, 2014


Penn Tower 21 Ballam Room


Drs. Baum, Bloch, Broennle, Goldfine, MacGregor, Meadows, J Myers, Paterson, Saunders, Kayvon Nikoo (FAPD)


Drs. Collins, McCarthy, Rubin, Salcido, Stanley and Steinberg

The meeting was called to order by Dr Meadows at 12:05 pm. Meadows called for approval of the February minutes which were then approved with no changes. The election of new Executive Council members was then discussed, particularly when the ballot should be distributed and whether or not it should include incumbent members. It was agreed that the ballot should go out as soon as possible to allow for the 30-day requirement and should include all current members of the Council. Kayvon agreed to put together a draft for the announcement right away. Dr. Meadows updated the Council on the walking architectural tour of Penn's campus, hosted by University Architect, David Hollenberg. It was determined the tour will be held on May 21st, rain or shine. The first 20 responders will meet at the Benjamin Franklin statue in front of College Hall at 11:00am.

Dr. Meadows reminded the Council of the coming Spring Symposium on April 22nd at 4:00pm, featuring Gary Gilliland, the Perelman School of Medicine's inaugural Vice Dean and Vice President for Precision Medicine. She indicated the program will include what would be better defined as "Refreshments" rather than a "Reception."


Dr. MacGregor reported PASEF's Road to Retirement program was a success and singled out Dr. Salcido’s presentation as being well-received. He mentioned the venue-mandated limitations on attendance was unfortunate and advised that moving forward it would behoove the planners to find a more accommodating space.

Dr. MacGregor alerted the Council of an upcoming seminar pertaining to local retirement communities which will be held April 8 in the Class of '55 room of the Van Pelt Library. The seminar will feature a presentation from Michele Berardi and will be advertised on the PASEF website.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 22nd
The meeting was adjourned at 1:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Susan Heyner
Secretary Treasurer