October 22, 2013


Penn Tower, Ballam Board Room


Drs. Bloch, Broennle, Collins, Goldfine, Meadows, Myers, Steinberg; MacGregor (PASEF), Rachael Berget (FAPD), Victoria Mulhern (FAPD) and Kayvon Nikoo (FAPD)


Drs. Baum, Deren, Heyner, Kefalides, McCarthy, Paterson, Rubin, Salcido, Stanley

The meeting was called to order by Meadows at 12:10 pm. The motion to accept the minutes of September 24, 2013 was passed unanimously.

President's Report

Dr. Meadows first introduced the Council's newest member, Marjeanne "Mimi" Collins and welcomed her to the group. Dr. Meadows then questioned the Council whether any special actions or events would be in order in honor of the School of Medicine’s coming 250th anniversary. Victoria Mulhern volunteered to source her contacts and find out the nature of what’s in the pipeline.

Dr. Meadows pointed out the costs associated with auditing courses have recently increased tenfold to $500 per class, questioning the Council whether this may be a cause worth investigating. The Council determined that, while the charges do appear in line with those of peer institutions, the privilege should come free to emeritus faculty members. Dr. Meadows suggested this issue be raised at the next PASEF meeting.

Next, Dr. Meadows requested that ASEF's committee structure be clarified moving forward and any vacancies be addressed. Dr. Broennle agreed to serve on Program Committee; however, the Communications Chair remains vacant. Dr. MacGregor tendered his resignation as Chair of the Service Committee due to his increased responsibilities as PASEF President and the generally insurmountable obstacles miring the HUP visitation initiative. Contemplating service avenues beyond patient outreach, such as career mentoring or assistance reviewing grant applications or presentations, Rachael and Vicki stressed the importance of advertising these resources to department administrators.

On the topic of Council absenteeism, the suggestion was raised to start reaching out to Council members that are routinely missing from meetings and to determine whether or not their roles should be subject to recall. Dr. MacGregor requested the list of eligible senior ASEF members be circulated to the Council in order to source potential replacements. It was also suggested to use the Holiday Reception as an opportunity to recruit new Council members. 

Following recent efforts to clarify and standardize the criteria for the Clinician Educator track among all health sciences schools, Vicki informed the Council that the proposed revisions have received overall PSOM faculty approval and will now be submitted to the Provost for Faculty Handbook incorporation. In summary, she indicated the crux of the effort was to incorporate scholarship in the CE track description, with some secondary adjustments to the language in order to account for the varied needs of each health school.

The question was raised regarding whether or not associated faculty are allowed the use of the Emeritus title and if they are included within the membership of ASEF. Vicki confirmed that ASEF does include associated faculty. Kayvon, however, pointed out that PASEF only includes standing faculty. A request was made to reaffirm that associated faculty members are being included in ASEF communications and activities.

Emeritus Reception

Dr. Myers reminded the Council that the ASEF/PASEF collaborative reception for new emeriti will be held October 30th in Sweeten Alumni House. Dr. Myers and Rachael confirmed the current RSVP number stands at approximately 45 and coordination efforts with PASEF's office and catering have been set.

Program: There was suggestion to conduct the Planning for Retirement seminar in March and the Road to Retirement program in April. Rachael, however, informed the Council the former event is already planned and scheduled for February 18th. The Road to Retirement event is being coordinated by Neville Strumpf and Dr. Meadows.

Dr. Bloch requested any nominations for the 2014 Spring Lecture. Dr. Goldfine suggested Angela Duckworth in Psychology if she has any availability. It was also suggested to source the list of PSOM’s recent Institute of Medicine inductees.

Upon conversation with architect Davis Hollenbeck, Dr. Meadows suggested planning a walking architectural tour of the Penn campus sometime in late April or early May. The Council supported the idea and suggested including PASEF membership as well.

Retirement Community

Dr. Goldfine indicated he is planning to survey the administrators of various local retirement communities in order to feature some broader information on the ASEF website for those considering a move to one of them

The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 pm. Respectfully submitted Kayvon Nikoo Faculty Affairs