Restorative Practices


Welcome to Restorative Practices at OIDE (RP@OIDE).

Restorative Practices at OIDE (RP@OIDE) offer a collaborative approach to building a safe, inclusive, and welcoming community for all members of the PennMedicine community. This approach is the result of a partnership between the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) and the University of Pennsylvania Health Systems (UPHS) - Pennmedicine.

Restorative Practices focus on principles of restorative justice, promoting accountability, responsibility, and rebuilding relationships. Compared to traditional approaches such as punishment or blame, Restorative Practices encourage open communication, empathy, and collaboration among community members.

The Office of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity has implemented Restorative Practices as a resource for members of the PennMedicine community, including in academic programs, residential life, and campus-wide initiatives. The staff has been trained to use Restorative Practices in their daily work, creating a culture of openness, respect, and inclusivity.

Restorative Practices offer a framework for addressing harm and conflicts in a way that promotes healing and growth. This approach encourages dialogue, understanding, and shared responsibility, leading to improved relationships, reduced disciplinary actions, and better academic and social outcomes for students.

Examples of Restorative Practices at PennMedicine include restorative circles and restorative conferences. Restorative circles provide a safe and respectful environment for community members to discuss issues and concerns, while restorative conferences bring together those who have been harmed and those responsible for the harm to find ways to repair the harm and prevent future harm.

PennMedicine is committed to the ongoing evaluation and adaptation of Restorative Practices, welcoming feedback and input from all members of the community. The goal is to create a culture of mutual respect and understanding, where all members feel valued and supported.

If interested in learning more about Restorative Practices at PennMedicine, reach out to the Director of Restorative Practices, Jack Drummond, who can provide resources, training sessions, or information sessions about Restorative Practices. Thank you for your interest in creating a more restorative and inclusive community at PennMedicine.


Jack Drummond
(He/ Him, Òun, Yeye, Él)
Inaugural Director of Restorative Practices
Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) - University of Pennsylvania

Office of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (OIDE)
DuBois CH, Faculty Fellow
3400 Civic Center BLVD, Building 421
PCAM South Expansion, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104-5162
(fax) 215.573.2030