Advanced Image Analysis (AIA) Laboratory
In addition to the workstations and software provided by the PET/CT vendors, including Philips (EBW, ISP), Siemens (Leonardo), and GE (Xeleris, AW), our laboratory also operates and maintains the Nuclear Medicine Advanced Image Analysis (AIA) Lab. The AIA Lab contains a variety of 3rd party workstations and software, including MIM, Osirix and TeraRecon to enable SUV image analysis on a variety of platforms. Kinetic modeling can be performed using PMOD software.
The NMAIAL is in the John Morgan Building, close to the clinical imaging facilities. The focus of AIA Lab is to support quantitative imaging and kinetic analysis for PET, particularly for the interpretation of new imaging probes or disease areas. The facility includes 5 work bays for image analysis intended for use by the Radiology Department investigators and collaborators who are in need of image analysis infrastructure. The facility consists of a common area with several large-screen LCDs for common review of images, discussion, and analysis. Available software packages include MIM, PMOD, AMIDE, and other programs relevant to image analysis for molecular imaging projects.