Completed Research Projects
Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Older Men: This NIMH-funded randomized controlled trial seeks to investigate the effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention adapted for older men in decreasing risk for suicide. Men over the age of 60 are currently being recruited from the Philadelphia VA and from the University of Pennsylvania health system for participation in this trial.
Management of Suicide-Related Events during Deployment: This DoD-funded study aims to develop standards of care for suicidal soldiers during deployment. Specifically, procedures for decisions regarding the evacuation of suicidal service members from the deployed setting, safety management of suicidal soldiers kept in a deployed environment, and postvention following the suicide or suicide attempt of a soldier during deployment will be developed through expert consensus meetings.
Pilot Project for the Development of a Suicide Attempt Registry and Classification of Suicidal Behavior for Adults: This ASFP-funded study aims to test the feasibility of developing and implementing a multi-site suicide attempt registry in the psychiatric emergency department.
Suicide Assessment and Follow-up Engagement: Veteran Emergency; Treatment (SAFE VET) Demonstration Project: A VA-funded Clinical Demonstration Project goals are to enhance the care of suicidal Veterans by 1) improving the identification of suicidal veterans; 2) linking suicidal veterans to appropriate care, and 3) providing a brief ED-based intervention to reduce suicide risk (safety planning).
A Brief Intervention to Reduce Suicide Risk in Military Service Members and Veterans: This MOMRP-funded research study aims to examine the effectiveness of the SAFE VET Clinical Demonstration Project described above.
Anxiety and Suicide Attempts: This AFSP-funded study seeks to examine the role of emotion dysregulation in the relation between anxiety and suicide attempts. Participants are currently being recruited from local emergency departments and psychiatric inpatient units.
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