Sharon Leonard, RD
Sharon Leonard has been a Registered Dietitian at the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders (CWED) for the last 15 years. She received a B.S. in Food Science and Dietetics at Drexel University.
Sharon has conducted individualized and group weight loss counseling for grant and industry trials at CWED utilizing medication, behavioral, and dietary interventions. She has also provided nutrition assessments and counseling for Executive Health clients at Perelman. Her interests include helping patients identify the unique patterns and circumstances related to their food and nutrition behaviors in order to develop a practical and personalized meal plan that is consistent with their health goals.
Recent publications include:
Pearl RL, Wadden TA, Bach C, Leonard SM, Michel KE. Who’s a Good Boy? Effects of Dog and Owner Body Weight on Veterinarian Perceptions and Treatment Recommendations. Int J Obes. 2020.
Pearl RL, Wadden TA, Bach C, Gruber K, Leonard S, Walsh OA, Tronieri JS, Berkowitz RI. Effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention targeting weight stigma: A randomized controlled trial. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2020 May;88 (5):470-480.
Tronieri JS, Wadden TA, WalshO, Berkowitz RI, Alamuddin N, Gruber K, Leonard S, Bakizada ZM, Chao AM. Effects of liraglutide on appetite, food preoccupation, and food liking: results of a randomized controlled trial. Int J Obes (Lond). 2020 Feb;44(2):353-361.
Tronieri JS, Wadden TA, Leonard SM, Berkowitz RI. A pilot study of acceptance-based behavioral weight loss for adolescents with obesity. Behav Cogn Psychother. 2019 Nov;47 (6):686-696.
Tronieri JS, Wadden TA, Walsh OA, Berkowitz RI, Alamuddin N, Gruber K, Leonard S, Chao AM. Effects of liraglutide plus phentermine in adults with obesity following 1 year of treatment by liraglutide alone: A randomized placebo-controlled pilot trial. Metabolism. 2019 Jul;96:83-91.
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