Pharmacogenetic Response to Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence

How Do You Know if You Have a Drinking Problem? 

How does someone know that he or she might have a problem? 

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

(Choose 1 response per question.)

Q1: How often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past year?
Answer Points
Never 0
Monthly or less 1
Two to four times a month 2
Two to three times a week 3
Four or more times a week 4
Q2: How many drinks did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the past year?
Answer Points
None, I do not drink 0
1 or 2 0
3 or 4 1
5 or 6 2
7 to 9 3
10 or more 4
Q3: How often did you have six or more drinks on one occasion in the past year? 
Answer Points
Never 0
Less than monthly 1
Monthly 2
Weekly 3
Daily or Almost Daily 4
Total Score Sum of Q1-Q3
If the total score is 8 or more please call us to discuss options.


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