MD Admissions

COVID-19 Policies

Pass/Fail for Spring, Summer, and Fall 2020

The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) acknowledges that some undergraduate institutions converted entirely to pass/fail (P/F) grading during the initial pandemic period, while other institutions offered students the option to select either P/F or the typical grading system.

PSOM will continue to welcome applications from students from all institutions, regardless of the grading policy that was or is in place during your undergraduate or postbaccalaureate coursework. We have a holistic admissions process that prioritizes myriad attributes we value in our applicants beyond course grades alone.

Any PSOM applicant who was provided the option to continue with the typical grading system but elected P/F for courses that are prerequisites for medical school entrance will be required to provide a written explanation regarding the decision to elect P/F.