Spring 2024



Title (cross-listing)




BIOM 5020-001

Molecular Basis of Disease

J. Punt
J. Katz

251 BRB

TR 8:30-10 am

BIOM 5550-001

Regulation of the Genome

R. Bonasio

Austrian Auditorium

TR 8:30-10 am

BMB 5090-001

Structural and Mechanistic Biophysics

G. Van Duyne

253 BRB

TR 1:45-3:15 pm

BMB 5100-001

Data Analysis

K. Sharp

255 Anat-Chem

TF 12-1:15 pm

BMB 5320-401

Computational Biophysics (BE 5320 primary)

G. Bowman

255 Anat-Chem

WF 10:15-11:45 am

BMB 6320-001

Probing Structure and Function of Complex RNA Protein Machine

K. Lynch
L. Zhou
F. Liu
255 Anat-Chem M 2:10-4 pm

BMB 6340-001


K. Murakami
Y. Chang
S. Molugu

253 BRB

W 1:45-3:15 pm

BMB 7050-301

Candidacy Exam (BMB students only; .5cu course first half of semester)

R. Marmorstein
K. Bernstein

801 BRB

WF 10:15-12:15 pm

BMB 7510-401

Chemical Biology (CHEM 7510 primary)

M. Matthews

109 Chem

TR 10:15-11:45 am

BSTA 6210-001

Statistical Inference I

H. Shou
J. Jin

252 BRB

TR 1:45-3:15 pm

BSTA 6320-001

Statistical Methods for Categorical and Survival Data

X. Xie
W. Bilker

1311 Blockley

MW 10:15-11:45 am

BSTA 6510-001

Intro to Linear Models

J. Shults
T. Shinohara

701 Blockley

MW 1:45-3:15 pm

BSTA 6700-001

Statistical Computing

K. Linn

701 Blockley

MW 10:15-11:35

BSTA 7820-001

Stat/Meth Incomplete Data

Q. Long

418 Blockley

MW 1:45-3:15 pm

BSTA 7870-001

Methods for Statistical Genetics

M. Li
R. Xiao

418 Blockley

TR 10:15-11:45 am

CAMB 4310-401

Genome Science and Genomic Medicine (BIOL 4231 primary)

Brian Gregory

111 Levn

TR 1:45-3:15 pm

CAMB 4800-401

Advanced Cell Biology (BIOL 4010 Primary)

W. Guo

102 GLAB

TR 10:15-11:45 am

CAMB 4830-401


D. Wagner

111 Levn

MW 1:45-3:15 pm

CAMB 4860-401

Chromosomes and the Cell Cycle (BIOL 4026 primary)

M. Lampson

100 GLAB

TR 8:30-10 am

CAMB 5100-001

Immunology for CAMB

A. Escolano
M. Abt
C. Jin

252 BRB

MWF 10:15-12 pm

CAMB 5110-001

Principles of Development

P. Seale

09 and 11-146 AB Smilow

TR 1:45-3:15 pm
F 1:45-2:45 pm

CAMB 5120-001

Cancer Biology and Genetics

D. Feldser
B. Bowman

701 BRB

R 10:15-11:45 am

CAMB 5180-301

Current Topics in Ion Channels

C. Deutsch


TR alternate weeks: 9:30-10:30 am

CAMB 5220-401

Human Evolutionary Genetics (BIOL 5220 Primary)

S. Tishkoff

302 CRB

T 3:30-6:30 pm

CAMB 5320-401 (primary)

Human Physiology (PHRM 5320)

T. Khurana
B. Prosser
P. Titchenell

10-146AB  Smilow

MWF 9-10:30 am

CAMB 5500-001

Genetic Principles

E. Joyce
S. Grant

251 BRB

MWF 10:15-11:45 am

CAMB 6010-301

Advanced Microbiology Seminar

S. Weiss 
P. Bates

209 Johnson

M 1:45-3:15 pm

CAMB 6080-301

Regulation Eukaryotic Gene Expression

D. Epstein
C. Conine

105 Stemmler

T 3-5 pm

CAMB 6330-301

Advanced Seminar Gene Therapy

P. Kurre

1301 BRB

R 3:30-5 pm

CAMB 6910-001

Adv Topics Cell Bio/Phys I

M. Marks

901 BRB

MF 10:30-12 pm

CAMB 6950-001 - 006 (6 sections)

Scientific Writing (.5cu course first half of semester)

J. Katz

See syllabus

See syllabus for specific section times

CAMB 6980-301

Elective Tutorials in Cell Biology

B. Stanger

301 BRB

 M 3:30-5:30 pm
T 10:15-11:15 am

CAMB 7000-301

Topics in Microbiology (.5cu course first half of the semester)

S. Shin
J. Zackular
M. Weitzman
M. Betts

301 BRB

TR 2:00-3:30 pm

CAMB 7010-301

Tumor Microenvironment

C. Simon
T. Ridky

1201 BRB

R 3:30-5:30 pm

CAMB 7030-401

Mechanobiology of the Cell (BE 6400 Primary)

R. Mauck

1101 BRB

TR 1:45-3:15 pm

CAMB 7060-301

MVP Core

B. Striepen
S. Shin
J. You

209 Johnson

MWF 1:45-2:45 pm

CAMB 7070-401

Cell and Gene Therapy (REG 6210 primary)

M. Milone
E. Hexner

1201 BRB

W 10:15-12:15 pm

CAMB 7080-301

HIV Virology Pathogenesis

R. Collman
K. Bar

209 Johnson

R 1:45-3:15 pm

CAMB 7140-001


D. Beiting

111 Levin

W 3:30-5:30 pm

CAMB 7520-401

Genomics (GCB 7520 primary)

I. Helbig

253 BRB

T 3:30-6:30 pm

EPID 7000-001

Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiology (EPID PhD only)

E. Schisterman

235 Blockley

W 10:15-1:15 pm

EPID 7012-001

Nutritional Epidemiology

S. Hinkle
S. Mumford

418 Blockley

TR 1:45-3:15 pm

EPID 7020-001

Adv Topics in Epidemiologic Research

C. Leonard

235 Blockley

R 10:15-1:15 pm

EPID 7040-001

Methods for Social Epid Research

J. Holmes

204 SCL

M 10:15-1:15 pm

EPID 7110-001

Environmental Epidemiology

A. Chen

235 Blockley

T 1:45-4:45 pm

GCB 7520-401 (primary)

Genomics (CAMB 7520) I. Helbig 253 BRB T 3:30-6:30 pm

IMUN 5070-001

Immune Functions

N. Romberg
L. Su

251 BRB/

252 BRB

T 1:45-3:45 pm
R 3:15-5:15 pm

IMUN 6070-301

Grant Writing

M. Cancro

501 BRB

T 8:30-10:30 am

NGG 5210-401

Brain-Computer Interface (BE 5210 primary)

B. Litt

216 Moore

MW 1:45-3:15 pm

NGG 5730-401 (primary)

Neuroscience Core III: Systems Neuroscience (PSYC 6090)

F. Weber
G. Corder

Class of 62

MWF 10:15-12:15 pm

NGG 5880-001

Topics in Translational Neuroscience

M. De Biasi

11-146AB Smilow

F 12-2:30 pm

NGG 5900-001

Research and Community

L. Flanagan-Cato

See director

T 10:15-12:15 pm
R 10:15-11:45 am

NGG 5940-401

Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience (PHYS 5585 primary)

V. Balasubramanian


TR 8:30-10:00 am

NGG 6180-001

Recovery after Neural Injury

C. Kullen
A. Cohen

Barchi Library

MW 10:15-11:45 am

NGG 6950-301

Scientific Writing (.5cu 1/10/23 – 2/28/23)

M. Fuccillo
S. Chung
A. Eisch

12-146AB Smilow

T 12-2 pm

PHRM 5320-401

Human Physiology (CAMB 5320 primary)

T. Khurana
B. Prosser
P. Titchenell

10-146AB Smilow

MWF 9-10:30 am

PHRM 5640-401

Drug Delivery Systems
(CBE 5640 primary)

V. Muzykantov

116 FAGN

MWF 10:15-11:15 am

PHRM 6240-001

Medical Pharmacology

S. Thomas

11-146AB Smilow

TR 9-11 am