Geriatric Mental Health Care

The Center for Psychotherapy Research in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Aging provide evidence-based telehealth care management services to community-dwelling older adults and their caregivers across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to support the well-being and ability of older adults to age in place. This program is free for people enrolled in PACE/PACENET programs. We are actively working with Area Agencies on Aging across the state of Pennsylvania to provide services to those who are eligible. Investigators at the Center for Psychotherapy Research also conduct research studies to advance best practices in geriatric mental health services.

To see if you are eligible for services please call Toll Free: 866-751-7872
Mental Health Support for Seniors (telephone and/or video)
  • Provides telephone-delivered depression and anxiety care management services which includes psychoeducation, counseling, symptom and medication monitoring, and referral to community services.
  • Trained clinical social workers provide evidence-based counseling including behavioral activation and interpersonal approaches for improving life satisfaction. 
  • Supports older adults and their primary care providers through increased communication in between office visits. Clinical reports highlighting changes in symptoms over time, medication adherence, and salient concerns are sent after each contact to help clinicians provide evidence based mental health care for their patients.
  • Participation in the SUSTAIN program is currently open to individuals enrolled in Pennsylvania's prescription assistance program, PACE/PACENET. No direct referrals are being accepted at this current time. 
    • For more information on PACE/ PACENET pharmaceutical assistance programs please visit: PACE/PACENET
Support for Caregivers of Seniors with Dementia (telephone and/or video)
  • Provides caregiver support to caregivers of older adults living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD) across the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Offers evidence-based education, support, and skills training to caregivers of older adults living with ADRD, with a focus on addressing challenging dementia-related behaviors and caregiver distress.
  • Telehealth services are also available to seniors with mild cognitive impairment.
To learn more about the CREST Program please call 1-866-751-7872 or fill out the contact form HERE Hours of Operation: Monday– Friday 9am-5pm


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