Partner Research Centers:

Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research

Kurt R Brunden

faculty photo
Research Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Director or Drug Discovery, Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Contact information
Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research
University of Pennsylvania
3600 Spruce St.
3rd Floor Maloney Bldg.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-615-5262
B.S. (Biology/Health Chemistry)
Western Michigan University, 1980.
Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
Purdue University, 1985.
Post-Graduate Training
Post-docotoral fellow, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, 1985-1987.
Instructor and Research Assoc., Mayo Clinic and Foundation, 1988-1988.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Research Expertise

Dr. Brunden oversees research programs directed towards the identification of therapeutic targets and treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Selected Publications

Gibbons GS, Gould H, Lee V-MY, Crowe A and Brunden KR: Identification of small molecules and related targets that modulate tau pathology in a seeded primary neuron model J. Biol. Chem. 299: 104876, 2023.

Monti L, Liu LJ, Varricchio C, Lucero B, Alle T, Yang W, Bem-Shalom I, Gilson M, Brunden KR, Brancale A, Caffrey CR and Ballatore C : Structure-activity relationships, tolerability and efficacy of microtubule-active 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as potential candidates to treat human African Trypanosomiasis. ChemMedChem In press, 2023.

Alle T, Varricchio C, Yao Y, Lucero B, Nzou G, Stefania D, Muench M, Hkoa V, Oukoloff K, Cornex A-S, Francisco K, Caffrey C, Lee V, Smith A III, Brancale A, Brunden KR and Ballatore C : Microtubule-Stabilizing 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as Candidate Therapeutics for Neurodegenerative Disease: Matched Molecular Pair Analyses and Computational Studies Reveal New Structure-Activity Insights. J Med Chem 64: 1073-1102, 2023.

Foster K, Manca M, McClure K, Koivula P, Trojanowski JQ, Havas D, Chancellor S, Goldstein L, Brunden KR, Kraus A and Ahlijanian MK : Preclinical characterization and IND-enabling safety studies for PNT001, an antibody that recognizes cis-pT231 tau. Alzheimer's & Dementia online ahead of print, 2023.

Uemura MT, Suh E, Robinson JL, Brunden KR, Grossman M, Irwin DJ, Lee VM-Y, Trojanowski JQ, Lee EB and Van Deerlin VM : Abundant co-pathologies of polyglucosan bodies, frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions, and aging-related tau astrogliopathy in a family with GBE1 mutation. Neuropath Applied Neurobiol 49(1): e12865, 2022.

Uemura MT, Robinson JL, Cousins KAQ, Tropea TF, Kargilis DC, McBride JD, Suh E, Xie SX, Xu Y, Porta S, Uemura N, Van Deerlin VM, Wolk DA, Irwin DJ, Brunden KR, Lee VM-Y, Lee EB and Trojanowski JQ : Distinct characteristics of limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 enchephalopathy in Lewy body disease. Acta Neuropathologica 143: 15-31, 2021.

Monti L, Cornec A-S, Oukoloff K, Kovalevich J, Prijs K, Alle A, Brunden KR, Smith AB III, El-Sakkary N, Liu LJ, Syed A, Skinner DE, Ballatore C and Caffarey CR : Congeners derived from microtubule-active phenylpyrimidines produce a potent and long-lasting paralysis in Schistosoma mansoni in vitro. ACS Infectious Dis. 7: 1089, 2021.

Delizannis AT, Nonneman A, Tsering W, De Bondt A, Van den Wyngaert I, Zhang B, Meymand E, Olufemi MF, Koivula P, Maimaiti S, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM and Brunden KR : Effects of microglial depletion and TREM2 deficiency on Aβ plaque burden and neuritic plaque tau pathology in 5XFAD mice. Acta Neuropathol. Comm. 9: 150, 2021.

Xu H, O’Reilly M, Gibbons GS, Changolkar L, McBride JD, Riddle DM, Zhang B, Stieber A, Nirschl J, Kim S-J, Hoxha, K-H, Brunden KR, Schellenberg GD, Trojanowski JQ and Lee YM-Y : In vitro amplification of pathogenic tau conserved disease-specific bioactive characteristics. Acta Neuropathol. 141: 193, 2021.

Oukoloff K, Nzou G, Varricchio C, Lucero B, Alle T, Kovalevich J, Monti L, Cornec A-S, Yao Y, James MJ, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM-Y, Smith AB III, Brancale A, Brunden KR* and Ballatore C : Evaluation of structure-activity relationship of microtubule (MT)-targeting 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines identifies new candidates for neurodegenerative tauopathies. J. Med. Chem. 64: 1073, 2021.

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Last updated: 07/11/2023
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