Support Our Work
Sleep deprivation, fatigue and stress are among the most pressing public health issues of our time, proven to be associated with health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment. The Unit for Experimental Psychiatry devotes its energies and resources to improving scientific knowledge in this area and providing practical countermeasures that can be implemented in modern work environments.
Our work would be impossible without public support. While the majority of our research is federally funded, private gifts help us cover expenses for pilot projects, technological development, training young researchers, performing new analyses on data and disseminating our work, as well as maintaining the infrastructure needed to deliver web-based services.
Your gift can make a difference right now - no amount is too small. Tax-deductible donations in any amount may be made online quickly and easily through the Psychiatry fund at Penn. To direct your gift to the UEP, check "Special Reason" and enter "Unit for Experimental Psychiatry."
We can also accept donations by check, planned gifts, and bequests.
All donations are greatly appreciated, and will be used solely for UEP operations at the discretion of the Director.
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