COVID-19 Rapid Guidance Summaries
CEP develops rapid guidance reports of recommendations from public health agencies, professional society organizations, and major medical systems. These reports may be one input in the development of locally adapted guidelines; please use clinical judgement when considering use. Our reports undergo frequent revisions as the COVID-19 recommendations evolve.
- Effects of Masks on the Health of Schoolchildren, 9/23/2021
- COVID-19: Effects of Vaccines on Fertility and Pregnancy Outcomes, 6/14/2021
- COVID-19: Vaccination For Women Who Are Pregnant Or Lactating, 5/24/2021
- COVID-19: Management of Vaccine-Associated Thrombotic Syndromes, 5/20/2021
- COVID-19: Thrombotic Adverse Events with Adenovirus Vaccines, 5/17/2021
- COVID-19: Mandatory Vaccination, 3/31/2021
- Triaging COVID-19 in the Emergency Department, 2/28/2021
- COVID-19: Protecting Health Care Workers' (HCW) Families at Home, 12/24/2021
- Adverse Effects Of Messenger RNA Vaccines, 12/24/2020
- COVID-19: Corticosteroids For Hospitalized Patients, 7/27/2020
- COVID-19: Prophylactic Use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), 7/01/2020
- COVID-19: Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), 6/26/2020
- COVID-19: Infectivity of Patients Who Have Recovered from Disease, 6/26/2020
- Cytokine Adsorption for Treatment of COVID-19 Disease, 6/17/2020
- COVID-19: Decontamination and Reprocessing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 6/01/2020
- Transmission of respiratory infections via showers, 5/26/2020
- Remdesivir for Treatment of COVID-19 Disease, 5/18/2020
- COVID-19: Sedation-Ventilation Liberation of COVID+ Patients, 5/06/2020
- COVID-19: Surgical Masks and Filtering Face Piece Respirators (FFR) for Health Care Providers, 5/06/2020
- COVID-19: Point-of-Care (POC) Testing, 4/30/2020
- COVID-19: Antibiotic Management in Ambulatory Patients, 4/21/2020
- COVID-19: Temperature Screening for Healthcare Personnel, 4/21/2020
- COVID-19: Criteria for Discharging Patients from Inpatient Care, 4/15/2020
- COVID-19: High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)/Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) Indications, 4/11/2020
- COVID-19: Proning Considerations for Patients on HFNC or BIPAP, 4/08/2020
- COVID-19: Criteria for Advising Home Care Patients to Return to the Hospital, 3/31/2020
- COVID-19: Surge Triage for Suspected Influenza-Like Illness, 3/29/2020