
The Center for Evidence-based Practice (CEP) offers lessons and training in evidence-based practice in the form of lecture, mentorship, internship and via practicum course work. Education is offered to Penn clinicians, trainees and students. To learn more about our training services or to discuss which option best suits your interests, please contact our

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CEP Practicum

In a world where information about treatments and interventions can become overwhelming, possessing the tools to make sense of it all becomes a tremendously valuable technical asset. Through the CEP practicum and internship, students get an authentic taste of what working with those tools looks and feels like.

-Brian S. Li, 2020 Practicum Cohort

The CEP Practicum is a unique and intensive hands-on learning experience for physicians and nurses, trainees, and students. Under the guidance of a CEP analyst participants will develop a review protocol, design and conduct systematic literature searches, appraise and analyze evidence, and write a CEP report on a mutually-agreeable topic. The Practicum is our most extensive training option and requires a significant time commitment from participants: approximately 20% of the work week for a period of six to eight months. 

Participants are encouraged to follow through on their Practicum experience, by publishing results, developing guidelines or clinical pathways based on the review findings, and/or initiating clinical research projects. 

Here are some examples of Practicum work from our first cohort of Nurse Research Scholars who took part in the program. 

  • Danielle Pollock, BSN, RN, OCN presented her work on oncology fall risk scoring systems at the 2021 Oncology Nursing Congress.
  • Julia M. Valenziano, BSN, RN, CCRN gave a presentation on palliative care screening to the Eastern Nursing Research Society and is convening a Delphi  process to develop a new screening tool for use in our hospital.

If you believe this course is right for you, or to learn about future opportunities to join CEP Practicum, please email our center’s Program Coordinator.


Series on evidence-based practice to Penn clinicians and guest lectures in research design at the School of Nursing


Our center offers opportunities for internships/work-study in trial periods; if you are interested in interning with our center, please contact to discuss available opportunities. We are also currently part of a pilot mentoring program with the Cochrane US Network in which our team helps to mentor early career professionals interested in evidence synthesis and translation

Mentorship & Consultation

We offer consultation to any individual or groups interested in learning more about our center's services and resources. We also offer consultation to stakeholders who have a clinical concern but need help scoping their clinical question. To schedule a consultation, email