NITES Abstracts & Publications
1. Does TIB Differentiate Between Good Sleepers and Subjects That Develop Acute or Chronic Insomnia?
2. Chronic Stress and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute to Chronic Insomnia.
1. Evaluating the Association Between Life Events, Perceived Stress, and Insomnia Status: Data from a National Cohort of Good Sleepers (The NITES Study).
2. The Cortisol Awakening Response and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.
3. Early Morning Alpha Amylase Activity and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.
4. 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.
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