NITES Abstracts & Publications



1. Does TIB Differentiate Between Good Sleepers and Subjects That Develop Acute or Chronic Insomnia?

2. Chronic Stress and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute to Chronic Insomnia.

3. The Temporal Dynamics of the Association Between Sleep Continuity Disturbance and Depressive Symptoms.


1. Evaluating the Association Between Life Events, Perceived Stress, and Insomnia Status: Data from a National Cohort of Good Sleepers (The NITES Study).

2. The Cortisol Awakening Response and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.

3. Early Morning Alpha Amylase Activity and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.

4. 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Insomnia: Exploring the Transition from Acute Insomnia to Recovery, Persistent Poor Sleep, or Chronic Insomnia.

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