Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
New User
All New Users are required to email for a consultation ( Once you send the email with your request, we will get back to you about the project feasibility, pricing, and goals.
Cryo-EM Screening
We provide both shorter Cryo-EM Screening sessions (shorter than 6 hours) as well as lengthier 6-12 hour Cryo-EM sample screening sessions. The time slots will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. Users who wish to submit grids for screening should get in line by sending an email to and expect a wait time of 1-2 weeks (this may change based on demand).
The price for 6 hours of screening is $250 (plus $19 per grid for the clip rings) and users can expect to screen 4-6 grids in a 6-hour session.
The shorter screening sessions that are less than 6 hrs of Microscope time are charged @ $50/hr
High-Res Data collection
We provide 24-72 hour sessions for High-Res data collection of pre-screened Cryo-EM grids.
Anyone who is interested, especially frequent users, can receive hands-on training and learn how to drive EPU to perform screening assisted by Beckman Cryo-EM Center staff. Users interested in training should mention this when signing up for a screening session as they will need to be approved for access to Sing Center which does currently not allow any visitors.
As a reminder, the Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy is designated as a BSL-1 facility. If your project requires BSL-2, please contact the CEMAC committee for further discussion.
- Internal Independent Use (UPenn and CHOP only): $1,000.00/day + $19.00/C-Clip
- Academic Independent Use (Temple, Drexel, Jefferson, etc.): $1,630.00/day + $31.00/C-Clip
- Corporate Independent Use (External): $2,000.00/day + $38/C-Clip
iLab Setup
The next step after you fill the consultation form is to set up your iLab account for accessing services. Learn more about iLab setup.