Outside Resident Rotations

Elective Rotations From Residents From Outside Institutions to Radiation Oncology, UPENN

Rotation Agreements

All outside residents who would like to perform an elective rotation in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania must have an appropriate Program Affiliation Agreement (PLA) in place.  When requesting the rotation, the resident must provide the name and contact information of their home institution's program director and coordinator to the Associate Director of Medical Education: Marlene Kromchad, marlene.kromchad@pennmedicine.upenn.edu  . Prospective residents interested in doing an elective at UPHS and meeting the requirements outlined below should contact Marlene Kromchad for further information.


The Program Coordinator from the incoming residents’ institution must request an incoming Rotator Packet. Residents rotating at the University of Pennsylvania on an elective must come from an ACGME-approved training program.  They will be expected to have their salary, benefits, and professional liability insurance provided by the sending institution. The sending institution must be willing to sign the PLA template agreement drafted by the University of Pennsylvania for incoming rotations. All requests for elective agreements must be submitted at least 120 days before the proposed start date. If accepted, the incoming resident (and/or their home institution) must provide the following items:

  • Curriculum Vitae (current & up-to-date)
  • BLS Certification
  • Pennsylvania Medical Training License
  • ECFMG (if applicable)
  • Proof of Professional Liability Insurance
  • Signed/Executed copy of the University of Pennsylvania Rotation Agreement
  • Goals and Objectives of the Elective