Timothy M Block

faculty photo
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology
President and Professor Emeritus, Baruch S Blumberg Institute / Hepatitis B Foundation
Department: Microbiology

Contact information
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Baruch S. Blumberg Institute of The Hepatitis B Foundation
Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center
Doylestown, PA 18902
B.A. (Biophysics)
State University of New York, 1975.
Ph.D. (Microbiology)
State University of New York, 1979.
Permanent link
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Selected Publications

Zhou, T., Block, T., Liu, F., Kondratowicz, A.S., Sun, L., Rawat, S., Branson, J., Guo, F., Liang, H., Bailey, L., Moore, C., Wang, X., Cuconatti, A., Gao, M., Lee, A.C.H., Harasym, T., Chiu, T., Gotchev, D., Dorsey, B., Rijnbrand, R., Sofia, M.J.: HBsAg mRNA degradation induced by a dihydroquinolizinone molecule depends on HBV posttranscriptional regulatory element. Antiviral Research(17), 30553-3, November 2017.

Alter, H., Block, T.M., Brown, N., Brownstein, A., Brosgart, C., Chang, K.M., Chen, P.J., Chisari, F.V., Cohen, C., El-Serag, H., Feld, J., Gish, R., Glenn, J., Greten, T., Guo, H., Guo, J.T., Hoshida, Y., Hu, J., Kowdley, K.V., Li, W., Liang, J., Locarnini, S., Lok, A.S., Mason, W., McMahon, B., Mehta, A., Perrillo, R., Revill, P., Rice, C.M., Rinaudo, J., Schinazi, R., Seeger, C., Shetty, K., Tavis, J. and Zoulim, F.: A research agenda for curing chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology September 2017.

Betesh, L., Comunale, M.A., Wang, M., Liang, H., Hafner, J., Karabudak, A., Giama, N.H., Moser, C.D., Miyoshi, E., Roberts, L.R. and Block, T.M.: Identification of fucosylated Fetuin‐A as a potential biomarker for cholangiocarcinoma. PROTEOMICS-Clinical Applications 11: 9-10, September 2017.

Wu, S., Zhao, Q., Zhang, P., Kulp, J., Hu, L., Hwang, N., Zhang, J., Block, T.M., Xu, X., Du, Y., Chang, J., Guo, J.T.: "Discovery and mechanistic study of benzamide derivatives that modulate hepatitis B virus capsid assembly." Journal of Virology 91(16): JVI-00519, July 2017.

Morçöl, T., Weidner, J.M., Mehta, A., Bell, S.J. and Block, T.: Calcium Phosphate Particles as Pulmonary Delivery System for Interferon-α in Mice. AAPS PharmSciTech Page: 1-18, July 2017.

Block, T.M., Locarnini, S., McMahon, B.J., Rehermann, B., & Peters, M.G.: Use of Current and New Endpoints in the Evaluation of Experimental Hepatitis B Therapeutics. Clinical Infectious Diseases 64(9): 1283-1288, May 2017.

Wang, M., Sanda, M., Comunale, M.A., Herrera, H., Swindell, C., Kono, Y., Singal, A.G., Marrero, J., Block, T., Goldman, R. and Mehta, A.: Changes in the Glycosylation of Kininogen and the Development of a Kininogen-Based Algorithm for the Early Detection of HCC. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers 26(5): 795-803, May 2017.

Ma, J., Wu, S., Zhang, X., Guo, F., Yang, K., Guo, J., Su, Q., Lu, H., Lam, P., Li, Y. and Yan, Z.: Ester Prodrugs of IHVR-19029 with Enhanced Oral Exposure and Prevention of Gastrointestinal Glucosidase Interaction. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 8(2): 157-162, January 2017.

Liu, J, Goicochea, P, Block, T, and Brosgart, C.L., Donaldson E.F., Lenz O., Gee Lim S., Marins, E.G., Mishra, P., Peters, M.G., Miller, V.: Advancing the regulatory path on hepatitis B virus treatment and curative research: a stakeholders consultation. J Virus Eradication 3(1): 1-6, January 2017.

Block, T.M., and Guo, J-T.: "The Covalently Closed Circular Form of Hepatitis B Virus Genome: Is There Now an End in “Site”?." Gastroenterology 150(1): 34-36, 2016.

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Last updated: 10/06/2022
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