Michael A. Grandner, PhD

Michael A. Grandner, PhDClick to request CV
Instructor in Psychiatry
Member, Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology 

Dr. Grandner is an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and a member of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his graduate training in Clinical Psychology at San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego, including an APA internship with the Behavioral Medicine service at the San Diego VA Healthcare System and Outpatient Psychiatric Services at UCSD. Subsequently, he completed an AASM-accredited fellowship in Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Penn in the context of an NHLBI-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship through the Division of Sleep Medicine.

His research interests include (1) adverse cardiovascular, metabolic, and behavioral health outcomes associated with short sleep and/or insufficient sleep, (2) biopsychosocial determinants of short sleep, insufficient sleep, and poor sleep quality, and (3) behavioral interventions for sleep as a domain of health behavior. In summary, his research aims to better understand the downstream adverse outcomes of insufficient or poor quality sleep, the upstream determinants of sleep and sleep behaviors, and how knowledge of sleep determinants can inform behavioral interventions for adverse outcomes. This work bridges the bench to bedside to community to population divide, including mechanistic and translational studies of sleep and cardiometabolic disease risk, clinical phenotyping and intervention studies, studies of sleep and health disparities, and epidemiologic studies of sleep and cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Read more about his work at http://www.michaelgrandner.com andhttp://www.sleephealthresearch.com.

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