FEBRUARY 2018: Jonathan joins the lab!
FEBRUARY 2018: Brian is awarded the 2018 Young Investigator Award from the American Academy of Dermatology
FEBRUARY 2018: The lab's first manuscript appears in Genes & Development and highlighted in Penn News
MARCH 2018: Shaun begins his rotation!
APRIL 2018: Brian is a recipient of the 2018 American Society of Clinical Investigation Young Physician Scientist Award
APRIL 2018: The lab celebrates new members and funding (more details coming soon!)
MAY 2018: Brian gives the Abramson Cancer Center's Distinguished Lecture in Cancer
MAY 2018: Brian gives a plenary session at the 2018 International Investigative Dermatology Meeting
JUNE 2018: Shaun joins the lab and gives a great overview of his project at the floor happy hour
JULY 2018: Yann officially joins the lab!
JULY 2018: The lab receives new funding from the Damon Runyon Cancer Foundation as highlighted here
JULY 2018: Maria presents her work at the Leadership Alliance Network Symposium
AUGUST 2018: Maria presents her poster at the 25th Annual Penn Summer Undergraduate Internship Symposium (SUIP) Research Symposium
AUGUST 2018: Alexandra joins the lab for her first rotation!
SEPTEMBER 2018: Eun officially starts in the lab!
SEPTEMBER 2018: Gina joins the lab for her first rotation!
OCTOBER 2018: The lab was awarded a pilot grant from the Penn-Wistar Skin SPORE
NOVEMBER 2018: Shaun delivers a great presentation at the Penn Dermatology weekly Research Seminar (and we celebrate his birthday)!
DECEMBER 2018: Alex and Gina give outstanding presentations on their rotation projects
DECEMBER 2018: The lab celebrates the end of a great year, including Alex's and Gina's rotation, Eun's graduation, and the holiday season!