Merrian Brooks, DO, MS

Co-Director, International Core

Billy Tsima, MMed, MSCE

Core Investigator

The International Core promotes innovative research to better understand the global nature of the HIV epidemic. It provides access to large research populations in Botswana for answering questions of importance to both high- income and lower- and middle-income countries.

The International Core’s aims are:

  • To support infrastructure for clinical, behavioral, and translational research in Botswana involving Penn and Batswana (Botswana citizen) investigators.
  • To train investigators from Penn and Botswana interested in international HIV-related research.

We view capacity building in country as a central long-term mission of the Core, following the Botswana principle of “Botho” (mutual respect). The International Core has outstanding relationships with the University of Botswana.

Available Services

  • Liaison to University of Botswana and Ministry of Health and other colleagues in Botswana or at Penn/CHOP/Wistar
  • Regulatory requirements, IRB submissions, and management
  • Site visit logistics: transportation and housing

Sedibeng Consultation Program

Looking for help getting started?

The International Core provides a clinical research study design and analysis service. The service is supported by clinical epidemiologists at institutions in Botswana (UB, MOH) and the US (UPENN, CHOP).

Investigators needing help at any stage of their work are encouraged to request a consultation