Keys & Property Removal


To order new keys, please complete a departmental key request form, including a 26-digit account number and departmental approval. Notification will be sent when new keys are ready for pick-up in the SPO Office.

See the departmental key policy for further details. 


If you get locked out of your office, please call Security at 215-898-0196 for assistance.

Property Removal

Anyone removing property, including a piece of equipment, from any Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) facility must possess proper authorization. Authorization can be obtained by producing one of two forms of documentation to Safety & Security:

Option 1 - Property Removal Request Form

A PSOM property removal request form, signed by the department chair or business administrator, can be sent either to Safety & Security in advance or given directly to Safety & Security personnel on duty by the person removing the property. It includes information such as the name of the person removing the property, the location from which the property is being removed, and the name, title, and signature of the authorizing individual.

Option 2: Memo of Authorization

A memorandum from the department chair or business administrator, either sent to Safety & Security in advance or given directly to Safety & Security personnel on duty at the time by the person removing the property, may be used instead. The memorandum must contain the same information requested on the property removal request form.