Paul F. Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.

faculty photo
Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry
Department: Psychiatry

Contact information
3535 Market Street
Room 650
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 2156627993
Fax: 2153495171
University of Pennsylvania, 1976.
Yale University, 1980.
Yale University, 1981.
Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology)
Yale University, 1984.
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Description of Research Expertise


Selected Publications

Crits-Christoph, P., Gallop, R., Duong, L., Zoupou, E., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: Repeated assessments of depressive symptoms in randomized psychosocial intervention trials: Best practice for analyzing symptom change over time. Psychotherapy Research Advance online publication.: 1-15, May 2022.

Gertz, A.M., Soffi, A., Mompe, A., Sickboy, O., Gaines, A.N., Ryan, R., Mussa, A., Bawn, C., Gallop, R., Morroni, C., & Crits-Christoph, P.: Developing an assessment of contraceptive preferences in Botswana: Piloting a novel approach using best-worst scaling of attributes. Frontiers in Global Women's Health 3: 815634, May 2022.

King, C., Goldstein, E., Crits-Christoph, P., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: The association between medical comorbidity and psychotherapy processes and outcomes for major depressive disorder in a community mental health setting. Psychotherapy 59(2): 199-208, Jun 2022.

Crits-Christoph, P., King, C., Goldstein, E., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: Use of cognitive techniques is associated with change in positive compensatory skills in the treatment of major depressive disorder in a community mental health setting. Psychotherapy Research 31(7): 909-920, Sep 2021.

Brown, L.A., Denis, C.M., Leon, A., Blank, M.B., Douglas, S.D., Morales, K.H., Crits-Christoph, P., Metzger, D.S., & Evans, D.L.: Number of opioid overdoses and depression as a predictor of suicidal thoughts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 224: 108728, Jul 2021.

Jennissen, S., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P., Schauenburg, H., & Dinger, U.: Insight as a mechanism of change in dynamic therapy for major depressive disorder. Journal of Counseling Psychology 68(4): 435-445, May 2021.

Denis, C., Dominique, T., Smith, P., Fiore, D., Ku, Y.C., Culhane, A., Dunbar, D., Brown, D., Daramay, M., Voytek, C., Morales, K., Blank, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P., Douglas, S., Spitsin, S., Frank, I., Colon-Rivera, K., Montaner, L., Metzger, D., & Evans, D.: HIV infection and depression among opiate users in a U.S. epicenter of the opioid epidemic. AIDS and Behavior 25(7): 2230-2239, Jul 2021.

Crits-Christoph, P., Goldstein, E., King, C., Jordan, M., Thompson, D., Fisher, J., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B. : A feasibility study of behavioral activation for major depressive disorder in a community mental health setting. Behavior Therapy 52(1): 39-52, Jan 2021.

Flückiger, C., Rubel, J., Del Re, A.C., Horvath, A.O., Wampold, B.E., Crits-Christoph, P., Atzil-Slonim, D., Compare, A., Falkenström, F., Ekeblad, A., Errázuriz, P., Fisher, H., Hoffart, A., Huppert, J.D., Kivity, Y., Kumar, M., Lutz, W., Muran, J.C., Strunk, D.R., Tasca, G.A.,... Barber, J.P.: The reciprocal relationship between alliance and early treatment symptoms: A two-stage individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 88(9): 829-843, Sep 2020.

Humphreys, K., Barreto, N.B., Alessi, S.M., Carroll, K.M., Crits-Christoph, P., Donovan, D.M., Kelly, J.F., Schottenfeld, R.S., Timko, C., & Wagner, T.H.: Impact of 12 step mutual help groups on drug use disorder patients across six clinical trials. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 215: 108213, Oct 2020.

Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Kurtz, J.E., Thompson, D.L., Mack, R.A., Lee, J.K., Rothbard, A., Eisen, S.V., Gallop, R., & Crits-Christoph, P.: The effectiveness of clinician feedback in the treatment of depression in the community mental health system. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(4): 748-759, Jun 2015.

Crits-Christoph, P., Lundy, C., Stringer, M., Gallop, R., & Gastfriend, D.: Extended-release naltrexone for alcohol and opioid problems in Missouri parolees and probationers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 56: 54-60, Mar 2015.

Stirman, S.W., Matza, A., Gamarra, J., Toder, K., Xhezo, R., Evans, A.C., Hurford, M., Beck, A.T., Crits-Christoph, P., & Creed, T.: System-level influences on the sustainability of a cognitive therapy program in a community behavioral health network. Psychiatric Services 66(7): 734-42, Mar 2015.

Rhodes, K.V., Basseyn, S., Gallop, R., Noll, E., Rothbard, A., & Crits-Christoph, P.: Pennsylvania's medical home initiative: Reductions in healthcare utilization and cost among Medicaid patients with medical and psychiatric comorbidities. Journal of General Internal Medicine 31(11): 1373-1381, Nov 2016.

Crits-Christoph, P., Markell H.M., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Lundy, C., Stringer, M., & Gastfriend, D.R.: A naturalistic evaluation of extended-release naltrexone in clinical practice in Missouri. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 70: 50-57, Nov 2016.

Yin, S., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Diehl, C., Gallop, R., & Crits-Christoph, P.: A self-report version of the Ways of Responding: Reliability and validity in a clinical sample. Psychotherapy Research 28(4): 1-12, Sep 2016.

Rodgers, M., Meisel, Z., Wiebe, D., Crits-Christoph, P., & Rhodes, K.V.: Wireless participant incentives using reloadable bank cards to increase clinical trial retention with abused women drinkers: A natural experiment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(13): 2774-2796, Aug 2016.

Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Thompson, D., Luther, D., Crits-Christoph , K., Jacobs, J., Yin, S., & Crits-Christoph, P.: Comparative effectiveness of cognitive therapy and dynamic psychotherapy for major depressive disorder in a community mental health setting: A randomized clinical noninferiority trial. JAMA Psychiatry 73(9): 904-11, Sep 2016.

Rodgers, M.A., Grisso, J.A., Crits-Christoph, P., & Rhodes, K.V.: No quick fixes: A mixed methods feasibility study of an urban community health worker outreach program for intimate partner violence. Violence against women 23(3): 287-308, Jul 2016.

He, H., Wang, W.J., Hu, J., Gallop, R., Crits-Christoph, P., & Xia, Y.L.: Distribution-free inference of zero-inated binomial data for longitudinal studies. Journal of Applied Statistics 42(10): 2203-2219, Oct 2015.

Stirman, S., Gutner, C., Crits-Christoph, P., Edmunds, J., Evans, A.C., & Beidas, R.S.: Relationships between clinician-level attributes and fidelity-consistent and fidelity-inconsistent modifications to an evidence-based psychotherapy. Implementation Science 10: 115, Aug 2015.

Rhodes, K.V., Rodgers, M., Sommers, M., Hanlon, A., Chittams, J., Doyle, A., Datner, E., & Crits-Christoph, P.: Brief motivational intervention for intimate partner violence and heavy drinking in the emergency department: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 314(5): 466-77, Aug 2015.

Leichsenring, F., Ablon, S., Barber, J.P., Beutel, M., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P., Klein, S., Leweke, F., Steinert, C., Wiltink, J., & Salzer, S.: Developing a prototype for short-term psychodynamic (supportive-expressive) therapy: An empirical study with the psychotherapy process Q-set. Psychotherapy Research 26(4): 500-510, Jul 2016.

Diehl, C., Yin, S., Markell, H., Gallop, R., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., & Crits-Christoph, P. : The measurement of cognitive schemas: Validation of the Psychological Distance Scaling Task in a community mental health sample. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 10(1): 17-33, Dec 2017.

Stirman, S.W., Pontoski, K., Creed, T., Xhezo, R., Evans, A.C., Beck, A.T., & Crits-Christoph, P. : A non-randomized comparison of strategies for consultation in a community-academic training program to implement an evidence-based psychotherapy. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 44(1): 55-66, Jan 2017.

Dahl, H.J., Høglend, P., Ulberg, R., Amlo, S., Gabbard, G.O., Perry, J.C., & Christoph, P.C.: Does therapists' disengaged feelings influence the effect of transference work? A study on countertransference. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(2): 462-474, Mar 2017.

Crits-Christoph, P., Gallop, R., Diehl, C.K., Yin, S., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: Methods for incorporating patient preferences for treatments of depression in community mental health settings. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 44(5): 735-746, Sep 2017.

Crits-Christoph, P., Gallop, R., Noll, E., Rothbard, A., Diehl, C.K., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gross, R., & Rhodes, K.V. : Impact of a medical home model on costs and utilization among comorbid HIV-positive Medicaid patients. American Journal of Managed Care 24(8): 294-301, Aug 2018.

Crits-Christoph, P., Gallop, R., Diehl, C.K., Yin, S., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder in the community mental health setting. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 85(6): 550-561, Jun 2017.

Dichter, M.E., Thomas, K.A., Crits-Christoph, P., Ogden, S.N., & Rhodes, K.V. : Coercive control in intimate partner violence: Relationship with women’s experience of violence, use of violence, and danger. Psychology of Violence 8(5): 596-604, Sep 2018.

Leichsenring, F., Steinert, C., & Crits-Christoph, P.: On mechanisms of change in psychodynamic therapy. Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy 64(1): 16-22, Mar 2018.

Crits-Christoph, P., Wadden, S., Gaines, A., Rieger, A., Gallop, R., McKay, J.R., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B. : Symptoms of anhedonia, not depression, predict the outcome of treatment of cocaine dependence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 92: 46-50, Sep 2018.

Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Thompson, D., Gaines, A., Rieger, A., & Crits-Christoph, P. : Predictors of treatment attendance in cognitive and dynamic therapies for major depressive disorder delivered in a community mental health setting. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(8): 745-755, Aug 2019.

Rieger, A., Gaines, A., Barnett, I., Baldassano, C.F., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., & Crits-Christoph, P.: Psychiatry outpatients’ willingness to share social media posts and smartphone data for research and clinical purposes: Survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Formative Research 3(3): e14329, Jul-Sep 2019.

Crits-Christoph, P., Gallop, R., Gaines, A., Rieger, A., & Connolly Gibbons, M. B.: Instrumental variable analyses for causal inference: Application to multilevel analyses of the alliance-outcome relation. Psychotherapy Research 30(1): 53-67, Jan 2020.

Crits-Christoph, P., Rieger, A., Gaines, A., & Connolly Gibbons, M.B.: Trust and respect in the patient-clinician relationship: Preliminary development of a new scale. BMC Psychology 7(1): 91, Dec 2019.

Jennissen, S., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P., Huber, J., Nikendei, C., Schauenburg, H., & Dinger, U. : Insight into conflictual relationship patterns: Development and validation of an observer rating scale. Psychotherapy Research 30(7): 934-947, Sep 2020.

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Last updated: 10/31/2022
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