Steven A. Nissman, MD

faculty photo
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Department: Ophthalmology

Contact information
Scheie Eye Institute
51 N. 39th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
University of Vermont, 1998.
Hahnemann School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2002.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

Dr. Nissman practices comprehensive ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery and has a focus in resident education.

Selected Publications

Nissman SA: Surgical management of complete blepharoptosis with no levator function from a compressive third nerve palsy. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers, and Imaging 39, 2008.

Nissman SA, Tractenberg RT, Babar-Goel A, Pasternak JF: Oral gabapentin for the treatment of postoperative pain following photorefractive keratectomy. American Journal of Ophthalmology 145: 123-129, 2008.

Edell E, Nissman SA, Schwartz A: A novel presentation and therapy for Topiramate induced myopic shift. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48, 2007 Notes: E-Abstract 1027.

Nissman SA, Tractenberg RE, Saba CM, Douglas JC, Lustbader JM.: The accuracy, repeatability, and clinical application of spherocylindrical automated refraction using time-based wavefront aberrometry measurements. Ophthalmology 113: 570-577, 2006.

Nissman SA, Berinstein DM.: Correlating optical coherence tomography measurement of central macular thickness with best-corrected visual acuity in non-exudative age-related macular degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46, 2005 Notes: E-Abstract 1391.

Nissman SA, Pasternak JF: Delayed-onset expulsive choroidal hemorrhage attributed to an acute elevation in systemic blood pressure following traumatic globe rupture. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers, & Imaging 36: 340-42, 2005.

Nissman SA, Pasternak JF.: Expulsive suprachoidal hemorrhage is uncommon, but devastating. Ocular Surgery News 23: 60-61, 2005.

Nissman SA, Kudrick NT, Piccone MR.: Assessing the motivations and perceptions of current U.S. medical school students pursuing a career in ophthalmology. Annals of Ophthalmology. 34: 223-9, 2002.

Mann BD, Eidelson BM, Fukuchi SG, Nissman SA, Robertson S, Jardines L.: The development of an interactive game-based tool for learning surgical management algorithms via computer. American Journal of Surgery 183: 305-8, 2002.

Ruit S, Tabin GC, Nissman SA, Paudyal G, Gurung R.: Low-cost high volume extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in Nepal. Ophthalmology 106: 1887-92, 1999.

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Last updated: 08/25/2021
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