Hillary R. Bogner, MD, MSCE

faculty photo
Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health
Staff Physician, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Master of Public Health Faculty, Center for Public Health Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Senior Scholar, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Director of Research Programs, FOCUS on Health and Leadership for Women, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Senior Fellow, Center for Health Behavior Research, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Department: Family Medicine and Community Health

Contact information
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
PPMC Campus Andrew Mutch Building - Floor 6
51 North 39th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Fax: 215-662-3591
B.A. (Psychology)
University of Chicago, 1989.
University of Pennsylvania, 1996.
University of Pennsylvania , 2001.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

Kakara M, Martinak E, McCormick B, Morales KH, Bogner HR, Jacobs D, Tuton LW: The Bridging the Gaps Program: Three Decades of Collaborative Service-Oriented Learning in the Health Professions. Academic Medicine 99(5): 500-505, May 2024.

French R, Worley J, Lowenstein M, Bogner HR, Calderbank T, DePhilippis D, Forrest A, Connolly Gibbons MB, Harris RA, Heywood S, Kampman K, Mandell DS, McKay JR, Newman ST, Oslin DW, Wadden S, Wolk CB: Adapting psychotherapy in collaborative care for treating opioid use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric conditions in primary care. Fam Syst Health 41(3): 377-388, September 2023.

McClintock HF, Edmonds SE, Bogner HR: Depression and Cost-Related Health Care Utilization Among Persons with Diabetes. Population Health Management 26(4): 232-238, August 2023.

McClintock HF; Edmonds SE; Bogner HR: Adherence patterns to oral hypoglycemic agents among primary care patients with type 2 diabetes. Primary Care Diabetes 17(12): 180-184, 2023.

Jagsi R, Beeland TD, Sia K, Szczygiel LA, Allen MR, Arora VM, Bair-Merritt M, Bauman MD, Bogner HR, Daumit G, Davis E, Fagerlin A, Ford DE, Gbadegesin R, Griendling K, Hartmann K, Hedayati SS, Jackson RD, Matulevicius S, Mugavero MJ, Nehl EJ, Neogi T, Regensteiner JG, Rubin MA, Rubio D, Singer K, Tucker Edmonds B, Volerman A, Laney S, Patton C, Escobar Alvarez S: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists: innovating support for early-career family caregivers J Clin Invest 132(23), December 2022.

Harris RA, Campbell K, Calderbank T, Dooley P, Aspero H, Maginnis J, O'Donnell N, Coviello D, French R, Bao Y, Mandell DS, Bogner HR, Lowenstein M: Integrating peer support services into primary care-based OUD treatment: Lessons from the Penn integrated model. Healthcare 10(3), Sept 2022.

McClintock HF, Schatell ET, Bogner HR: Cardiovascular Disease and Medication Adherence Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in an Underserved Community Behavioral Medicine 48(1): 31-42, Jan-Mar 2022.

Harris RA, Mandell DS, Kampman KM, Bao Y, Campbell K, Cidav Z, Coviello DM, French R, Livesey C, Lowenstein M, Lynch KG, McKay JR, Oslin DW, Wolk CB, Bogner HR : Collaborative care in the treatment of opioid use disorder and mental health conditions in primary care: A clinical study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials 103, Apr 2021.

Hamm RF, McCoy J, Oladuja A, Bogner HR, Elovitz MA, Morales KH, Srinivas SK, Levine LD: Maternal Morbidity and Birth Satisfaction After Implementation of a Validated Calculator to Predict Cesarean Delivery During Labor Induction. JAMA Network Open Page: 1-11, Nov 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.25582.

McClintock HF, Schatell ET, Bogner HR: Cardiovascular Disease and Medication Adherence Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in an Underserved Community. Behavioral Medicine Page: 1-12, Aug 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1080/08964289.2020.1801570 [Online ahead of print]

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Last updated: 05/14/2024
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania