N. Scott Adzick

faculty photo
Professor of Surgery
Department: Surgery

Contact information
Department of Surgery
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 2155902727
Fax: 2155904875
A.B. ((History and Science))
Harvard College , 1975.
Harvard University, 1979.
M.M.M. ( Master of Medical Management)
Carnegie Mellon University, 2003.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

Adzick N Scott, Thom Elizabeth A, Spong Catherine Y, Brock John W, Burrows Pamela K, Johnson Mark P, Howell Lori J, Farrell Jody A, Dabrowiak Mary E, Sutton Leslie N, Gupta Nalin, Tulipan Noel B, D'Alton Mary E, Farmer Diana L: A randomized trial of prenatal versus postnatal repair of myelomeningocele. The New England Journal of Medicine 364(11): 993-1004, Mar 2011.

Tsai Jacqueline, Sulkowski Jason, Adzick N Scott, Hedrick Holly L, Flake Alan W: Patch repair for congenital diaphragmatic hernia: is it really a problem? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 47(4): 637-41, Apr 2012.

Danzer Enrico, Zarnow Deborah, Gerdes Marsha, D'Agostino Jo Ann, Siegle Jennifer, Bebbington Michael W, Flake Alan W, Adzick N Scott, Hedrick Holly L: Abnormal brain development and maturation on magnetic resonance imaging in survivors of severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 47(3): 453-61, Mar 2012.

Adzick N Scott: Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele: trials and tribulations. Isabella Forshall Lecture. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 47(2): 273-81, Feb 2012.

Laje Pablo, Johnson Mark P, Howell Lori J, Bebbington Michael W, Hedrick Holly L, Flake Alan W, Adzick N Scott: Ex utero intrapartum treatment in the management of giant cervical teratomas. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 47(6): 1208-16, Jun 2012.

Danzer Enrico, Siegle Jennifer, D'Agostino Jo Ann, Gerdes Marsha, Hoffman Casey, Bernbaum Judy, Rintoul Natalie E, Flake Alan W, Adzick N Scott, Hedrick Holly L: Early neurodevelopmental outcome of infants with high-risk fetal lung lesions. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 31(4): 210-5, 2012.

Danzer Enrico, Adzick N Scott: Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele: patient selection, perioperative management and outcomes. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 30(3): 163-73, 2011.

Roybal Jessica L, Moldenhauer Julie S, Khalek Nahla, Bebbington Michael W, Johnson Mark P, Hedrick Holly L, Adzick N Scott, Flake Alan W: Early delivery as an alternative management strategy for selected high-risk fetal sacrococcygeal teratomas. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 46(7): 1325-32, Jul 2011.

Danzer Enrico, Gerdes Marsha, Bebbington Michael W, Koh Jamie, Adzick N Scott, Johnson Mark P: Preschool neurobehavioral outcome following fetal myelomeningocele surgery. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 30(3): 174-9, 2011.

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Last updated: 02/13/2013
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