Robert Gross, MD, MSCE

faculty photo
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Attending Physician, Infectious Diseases, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Member, Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Senior Scholar, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Co-Director, Clinical Core, Penn Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Perelman School of Medicine
Co-Director, Clinical Assessment Core, Penn Mental Health in AIDS Research Center
Senior Fellow , Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI), Perelman School of Medicine
Co-Director , Penn Center for AIDS Research, Perelman School of Medicine
Director, International Core, Penn Center for AIDS Research, International Core
Center for Global Health Scholar, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Department: Medicine

Contact information
804 Blockley Hall
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021
Office: 215-898-2437
Fax: 215-573-5315
BA (Italian)
Cornell University , 1986.
Cornell University, 1991.
MSCE (Pharmacoepidemiology)
University of Pennsylvania, 2000.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Research Expertise

HIV clinical epidemiology; outcomes of HIV treatment; adherence to therapy including development of methods to measure adherence

Description of Clinical Expertise

HIV; infectious diseases

Selected Publications

Wood SM, Bauermeister J, Fiks AG, Phillips AW, Richardson HM, Garcia SM, Maleki P, Beidas RS, Young JF, Gross R, Dowshen NL: Adolescent preferences for a pediatric primary care-based sexually transmitted infection and HIV prevention intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health 74(6): 1231-1238, June 2024.

Li P, Prajapati G, Geng Z, Ladage VP, Arduino JM, Watson DL, Gross R, Doshi JA.: Antiretroviral Treatment Gaps and Adherence among People With HIV in the U.S. Medicare Program AIDS and Behavior 28(3): 1002-1014, March 2024.

Bien-Gund CH, Sarbaugh M, Perrine L, Dugosh K, Gross R, Fishman J: Salient beliefs related to secondary distribution of COVID-19 self-test kits within social networks. Frontiers in Public Health-Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Prevention 27(12): 1337745, February 2024.

Medaglio D, Bilker WB, Han X, Merlin JS, Plankey M, Martin J, Crane HM, Hojat LS, Bamford L, Schnoll R, Tyndale RF, *Ashare RL, *Gross R (*equal work by authors): Nicotine Metabolite Ratio Decreases after Switching off Efavirenz-based Therapy in People with HIV who Smoke. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 115(1): 80-85, Jan 2024.

Giron LB, Liu Q, Adeniji OS, Yin X, Kannan T, Ding J, Lu DY, Langan S, Zhang J, Azevedo JLLC, Li SH, Shalygin S, Azadi P, Hanna DB, Ofotokun I, Lazar J, Fischl MA, Haberlen S, Macatangay B, Adimora AA, Jamieson BD, Rinaldo C, Merenstein D, Roan NR, Kutsch O, Gange S, Wolinsky S, Witt M, Post WS, Kossenkov A, Landay A, Frank I, Tien PC, Gross R, Brown TT, Abdel-Mohsen M: Immunoglobulin G N-glycan Markers of Accelerated Biological Aging During Chronic HIV Infection. Nature Communications 15, 3035 2024.

Van Pelt A, Bilker WB, Nkwihorez H, Ghadimi F, Brady KA, Cidav Z, Schriger S, Beidas RS, Gross R, Momplaisir F,: Increasing anti-retroviral therapy adherence and retention in care among adults living with HIV in Philadelphia: A study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized type 2 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of Managed Problem Solving Plus (MAPS+) delivered by community health workers. BMJ Open 13(10): e079585, October 2023.

Mannathoko N, Mosepele M, Gross R, Smith R, Styczynski A, Cressman L, Richard-Greenblatt M, Glaser L, Alby K, Jaskowiak-Barr A, Sewawa K, Cowden L, Otukile D, Paganotti GM, Mokomane M, Bilker WB, Lautenbach E: Risk Factors for Community Colonization with Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacterales (ESCrE) in Botswana: An Antibiotic Resistance in Communities and Hospitals (ARCH) Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 77(1 (Suppl 1)): S89–S96, July 2023.

Golder S, Medaglio D, O’Connor K, Gross R, Hennessy S, Gonzalez Hernandez G: Reasons for Discontinuation or Change of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. JAMA Network Open 6(7): e2323746, July 2023.

Cioe PA, Schnoll R, Hoeppner BB, Gross R, Hitsman BL, Leone FT, Ashare R, Vilardaga R, Tashima K, Pinkston M, Kahler CW: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Stress, Isolation, Smoking Behaviors, and Motivation to Quit in People with HIV who Smoke. AIDS and Behavior(6), 1862-1869, June 2023.

Richterman A, Sinha P, Ivers LC, Gross R, Rantleru T, Tamuhla N, Bisson GP : Food Insecurity and Undernutrition are Associated with Distinct Immunologic Profiles in People with Tuberculosis and Advanced HIV Starting Antiretroviral Therapy. JAIDS 95(5): 494-504, April 2023.

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Last updated: 06/17/2024
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