Mariell Jessup, MD

faculty photo
Emeritus Professor CE of Medicine
Department: Medicine

Contact information
BS (Biology)
University of Pennsylvania, 1972.
Hahnemann Medical College, 1976.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Research Expertise

heart failure
heart transplantation

Description of Clinical Expertise

heart failure
heart transplantation

Selected Publications

Jessup M: Understanding the syndrome of heart failure. A Clinician’s Guide to Ambulatory Diagnosis and Treatment. Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey, Page: 209-223, 2003.

Jessup M: The less familiar face of heart failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 41: 224-226, 2003.

Jessup M: Aldosterone blockade and heart failure. N Engl J Med 348: 1380-1382, 2003.

Jessup M, Brozena S: Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 348: 2005-2016, 2003.

Brozena SC, Jessup M: The new staging system for heart failure: What every primary care physician should know. Geriatrics 58: 31-36, June 2003.

Jessup M, Brozena SC: Epilogue: Support devices for end stage heart failure. Ventricular Assist Devices and the Artificial Heart. Cardiology Clinics 21: 135-139, 2003.

A Clinician’s Guide to Ambulatory Diagnosis and Treatment. Jessup M, Loh E (eds.). Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey, 2003.

Chalfoun NT, Jessup M, Ross HM, Kocovic DZ: Biventricular pacing in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation: Comparison to patients with normal sinus rhythm at 12 months. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 41: 89A, 2003.

Kao A, Allen MT, Jessup M: Do older heart transplant recipients have a normal quality of life? J of Heart Lung Transplant 22: S129, 2003.

Harding J, Goldberg ML, O’Hara ML, Acker MA, Jessup M: Pre-operative predictors of outcome after VAD: can we predict survivors? J of Heart Lung Transplant 22: S205, 2003.

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Last updated: 05/15/2017
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