James L. Carey, M.D., M.P.H.

faculty photo
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Attending Staff, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Attending Staff, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Director, Penn Center for Advanced Cartilage Repair and Osteochondritis Dissecans Treatment, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Attending Staff, Pennsylvania Hospital
Team Orthopaedic Surgeon, Penn Quakers Men's Basketball (NCAA Division I)
Attending Staff, Penn Medicine University City Ambulatory Surgical Facility
Program Director, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fellowship, Pennsylvania Hospital
Head Team Orthopaedic Surgeon, Philadelphia Flyers (National Hockey League)
Department: Orthopaedic Surgery

Contact information
Penn Sports Medicine Center
Weightman Hall, First Floor
235 South 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 615-4400
Fax: (215) 615-4405
B.S.E. (Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering)
Duke University, 1996.
M.D. (Medicine)
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 2001.
M.P.H. (Public Health)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2009.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery
Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
Cartilage Transplantation
Knee Cartilage Tear
Knee Instability
Knee Loose Bodies
Knee Reconstruction -- Ligament
Meniscus Tears
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Pediatric Sports Medicine
Shoulder Dislocation
Sport Related Knee Injury
Sport Related Shoulder Injury

Description of Research Expertise

Osteochondritis Dissecans
Focal Articular Cartilage Injuries
Prospective Cohort Studies
Reliability Studies

Selected Publications

Kuhn JE, Dunn WR, Sanders R, Baumgarten KM, Bishop JY, Brophy RH, Carey JL, Holloway BG, Jones GL, Ma CB, Marx RG, McCarty EC, Poddar SK, Smith MV, Spencer EE, Vidal AF, Wolf BR, Wright RW: The predictors of surgery for symptomatic, atraumatic full-thickness rotator cuff tears change over time: ten-year outcomes of the MOON Shoulder prospective cohort. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Notes: (Online ahead of print).

Meyer AM, Hurley ET, Danilkowicz RM, Carey JL, Heyworth BE, Perkins C, Saithna A, Saris DBF, Sgaglione NA, Taylor DC, Bradley KE; International Knee Cartilage Injury Delphi Consensus Study Group.: Fixation for knee cartilage injuries -- an international Delphi consensus statement. Journal of Cartilage and Joint Preservation. 2024 Notes: (Online ahead of print).

Herzberg SD, Zhao Z, Freeman TH, Prakash R, Baumgarten KM, Bishop JY, Carey JL, Jones GL, McCarty EC, Spencer EE, Vidal AF, Jain NB, Giri A, Kuhn JE, Khazzam MS, Matzkin EG, Brophy RH, Dunn WR, Ma CB, Marx RG, Poddar SK, Smith MV, Wolf BR, Wright RW: Obesity is associated with muscle atrophy in rotator cuff tear. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 10: e001993, 2024.

Nguyen JC, Patel V, Gendler L, Blankenbaker DG, Shea KG, Wall EJ, Carey JL, Nissen CW, Jaramillo D, Ganley TJ: Medial femoral condyle OCD (osteochondritis dissecans): correlation between imaging and arthroscopy. Skeletal Radiol. 2024 Notes: (Online ahead of print).

Carey JL: The critical reader -- visualizing data. Am J Sports Med. 52: 1915-7, 2024.

Carey JL: The critical reader -- data sources. Am J Sports Med. 51: 3103-5, 2023.

Locke RC, Zlotnick HM, Stoeckl BD, Fryhofer GW, Galarraga JH, Dhand AP, Zgonis MH, Carey JL, Burdick JA, Mauck RL: Linguistic analysis identifies emergent biomaterial fabrication trends for orthopaedic applications. Adv Healthc Mater. 12: e2202591, 2023.

MARS Group; Wright RW, Huston LJ, Haas AK, Pennings JS, Allen CR, Cooper DE, DeBerardino TM, Dunn WR, Lantz BBA, Spindler KP, Stuart MJ, Albright JP, Amendola AN, Andrish JT, Annunziata CC, Arciero RA, Bach BR Jr, Baker CL 3rd, Bartolozzi AR, Baumgarten KM, Bechler JR, Berg JH, Bernas GA, Brockmeier SF, Brophy RH, Bush-Joseph CA, Butler JB 5th, Campbell JD, Carey JL, Carpenter JE, Cole BJ, Cooper JM, Cox CL, Creighton RA, Dahm DL, David TS, Flanigan DC, Frederick RW, Ganley TJ, Garofoli EA, Gatt CJ Jr, Gecha SR, Giffin JR, Hame SL, Hannafin JA, Harner CD, Harris NL Jr, Hechtman KS, Hershman EB, Hoellrich RG, Johnson DC, Johnson TS, Jones MH, Kaeding CC, Kamath GV, Klootwyk TE, Levy BA, Ma CB, Maiers GP 2nd, Marx RG, Matava MJ, Mathien GM, McAllister DR, McCarty EC, McCormack RG, Miller BS, Nissen CW, O'Neill DF, Owens BD, Parker RD, Purnell ML, Ramappa AJ, Rauh MA, Rettig AC, Sekiya JK, Shea KG, Sherman OH, Slauterbeck JR, Smith MV, Spang JT, Svoboda LSJ, Taft TN, Tenuta JJ, Tingstad EM, Vidal AF, Viskontas DG, White RA, Williams JS Jr, Wolcott ML, Wolf BR, York JJ: Meniscal and articular cartilage predictors of outcome after revision ACL reconstruction: a 6-year follow-up cohort study. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Notes: (Online ahead of print).

Girgis MY, Carey JL: Autologous chondrocyte implantation: second-look arthroscopy. Video Journal of Sports Medicine. 3: 26350254231161057, 2023.

Heyworth BE, Ganley TJ, Liotta ES, Hergott KA, Miller PE, Wall EE, Myer GD, Nissen CW, Edmonds EW, Lyon RM, Chambers H, Milewski MD, Green DW, Weiss J, Wright RW, Polousky JD, Nepple JJ, Carey JL, Kocher MS, Shea KG: Trans-articular versus retro-articular drilling of stable osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: a prospective randomized controlled trial by the ROCK multicenter study group. Am J Sports Med. 51: 1392-1402, 2023.

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Last updated: 08/18/2024
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania