Charlene Bierl, M.D., Ph.D.

faculty photo
Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Division Chief, Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Director of Phlebotomy, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Director of Point of Care, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Director of the Coagulation Laboratory, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Laboratory Director (CLIA), Penn Medicine at Rittenhouse
Laboratory Director (CLIA), Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (spruce location)
Laboratory Director (CLIA), Penn Medicine at Radnor
Laboratory Director (CLIA), Penn Medicine at Valley Forge
Vice Chair of Quality and Patient Safety for Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Contact information
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-662-3435
B.A. (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)
Wesleyan University, 1996.
Ph.D. (Pharmacology)
Boston University, 2005.
Boston University, 2005.
Permanent link
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Description of Clinical Expertise

General Clinical Pathology and laboratory operations. I have served as a CLIA director in a number of settings, covering high complexity testing. My responsibilities involve close collaboration with operations to ensure high quality, patient-centered care from the laboratory. Under this umbrella, I am particularly interested in cost effective utilization of laboratory resources. This includes design of the test menu/names in the EHR, decision support to guide test selection, optimization of the resulting formats and decision guidance, as well as efforts to influence utilization patterns toward the latest recommendations.

Selected Publications

Charlene Bierl: Simplifying the Test Menu to Beat Choice Overload. AACC/Clinical Laboratory News Jan 2022.

Barry C, Edmonston TB, Gandhi S, Ganti K, Kim N, Bierl C: Implementation of Laboratory Review of Test Builds Within the Electronic Health Record Reduces Errors. Arch Pathol Lab Med 144(6): 742-747, Jun 2019 Notes: doi: 10.5858/arpa.2019-0239-OA. Epub 2019 Oct 24.

Behling, KC and Bierl, C: Cost per case mix index-adjusted hospital day as a measure of effective laboratory utilization efforts in a growing academic medical center. Am J Clin Pathol 151(4): 371-376, Mar 2019 Notes:

Barry C, Kaufman S, Feinstein D, Kim N, Gandhi S, Nikolic D, Edmonston TB, Bierl C: Optimization of the Order Menu in the Electronic Health Record Facilitates Test Patterns Consistent with Recommendations in the Choosing Wisely Initiative. Am J Clin Pathol 153(1): 94-98, Jan 2019.

Laboratory Economics: Spotlight Interview with Cooper University Hospital’s Director of Laboratories. \{Laboratory Economics} Jul 2018.

Minerowicz C, Abel N, Hunter K, Behling KC, Cerceo E, Bierl C: Impact of weekly feedback on test ordering patterns. Am J Manag Care 21(11): 763-8, Nov 2015.

Behling KC, Marrone D, Hunter K, Bierl C: Decreased clinical laboratory turnaround time after implementation of a collection manager system. Arch Pathol Lab Med 139(9): 1084-6, Sep 2015.

Narayan SB, Master SR, Sireci AN, Bierl C, Stanley PE, Li C, Stanley CA, Bennett MJ: Short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase associates with a protein super-complex integrating multiple metabolic pathways. PLoS One 7(14): e35048, Apr 2012.

Everett LJ, Bierl C, Master SR: Unbiased statistical analysis for multi-stage proteomic search strategies. J Proteome Res 9(2): 700-7, Nov 2010.

Furlow PW, Percy MJ, Sutherland S, Bierl C, McMullin MF, Master SR, Lappin TR, Lee FS: Erythrocytosis-associated HIF-2alpha mutations demonstrate a critical role for residues C-terminal to the hydroxylacceptor proline. J Biol Chem 284(14): 9050-08, Apr 2009.

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Last updated: 07/30/2024
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