Matthew Dulik, Ph.D., FACMG

faculty photo
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Contact information
706C Abramson Research Center
3615 Civic Center Blvd.
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 267-290-3311
Purdue University (Major: Genetic Biology, Minors: Anthropology, History), 2001.
University of Pennsylvania (Anthropology), 2005.
University of Pennsylvania (Anthropology), 2011.
Permanent link
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Selected Publications

Guess T, Wheeler FC, Yenemandra A, Schilit SLP, Anderson HS, Bone KM, Carstens B, Conlin L, Dulik MC, Dupont BR, Fanning E, Gardner JA, Haag M, Hilton BA, Johnson J, Kogan J, Murry J, Polonis K, Quigley DI, Repnikova EA, Rowsey RA, Spinner N, Stoeker M, Thurston V, Wiley M, Zhang L.: A multi-center analysis of individuals with a 47,XXY/46,XX karyotype. Genetics in Medicine Jul 2024 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.gim.2024.101212. Online ahead of print.

Bedoukian, E., Reichert, S., Conlin, L., Dechene, E., Dulik, M., Heck, A., Hershey, J., Marchese, M., McManus, M., Mulchandani, S., Rajagopalan, R., Reynoso Santos, F.J., Wild, T., Wood, K., Krantz, I., Spinner, N.: Development, implementation, and preliminary results of rapid targeted genomic analysis in the newborn period. American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Toronto Mar 2024.

Reichert, S.L., Dechene, E., Lulis, L., Valverde, K., Conway, L., Dulik, M. : Leveling the field: Development of an asynchronous interactive module series for genetic counseling trainees on molecular testing and variant interpretation. Journal of Genetic Counseling 33(1): 151-155, Feb 2024.

Yamamoto,. N., Balciuniene, J., Hartman, T., Diaz-Miranda, M.A.4, Bedoukian, E., Devkota, B., Lawrence, A., Golenberg, N., Patel, M., Tare, A., Chen, R., Schindler, E., Choi, J., Kaur, M., Charles, S., Chen, J., Fanning, E.A., Dechene, E., Cao, K. Murrell, J.R., Rajagopalan, R., Bayram, Y., Dulik, M.C., Germiller, J., Conlin, L.C., Krantz, I.D., Luo, M. : Comprehensive Gene Panel Testing for Hearing Loss in Children: Understanding Factors Influencing Diagnostic Yield. The Journal of Pediatrics 262: 113620, Nov 2023.

McCormick EM, Keller K, Taylor JP, Coffey AJ, Shen L, Krotoski D, Harding B; NICHD ClinGen U24 Mitochondrial Disease Gene Curation Expert Panel; Alves CAPF, Ardissone A, Bai R, de Barcelos IP, Bertini E, Bluske K, Christodoulou J, Clause AR, Copeland WC, Diaz GA, Diodato D, Dulik MC, Enns G, Feigenbaum A, Fratter C, Ghezzi D, Goldstein A, Gropman A, Haas R, Karaa A, Koenig MK, Monteleone B, Parikh S, Duenas BP, Rajkumar R, Saada A, Saneto RP, Sergeant K, Shoffner J, Smith C, Stanley C, Thiffault I, Thorburn D, Walker M, Wallace D, Wong LJ, Gai X, Falk MJ, Zolkipli-Cunningham Z, Rahman S.: Expert panel curation of 113 primary mitochondrial disease genes for the Leigh syndrome spectrum. Annals of Neurology 94(4): 696-712, Oct 2023.

Kuroda, Y., Iwata-Otsubo, A., Dias, K., Temple, S.E.L., Nagao, K., De Hayr, L., Zhu, Y., Isobe, S., Nishibuchi, G., Fiordaliso, S.K., Fujita, Y., Rippert, A.L., Baker, S.W., Leung, M.L., Koboldt, D.C., Harman, A., Keena, B.A., Kazama, I., Subramanian, G.M., Manickam, K., Schmalz, B., Latsko, M., Zackai, E.H., Edwards, M., Evans, C., Dulik, M.C., Buckley, M.F., Yamashita, T., O'Brien, W.T., Harvey, R.J., Obuse, C., Roscioli, T., Izumi, K.: Dominant-negative variants in CBX1 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder. Genetics in Medicine 25(7): 100861, Jul 2023.

Wang, J., Chan, A., Peterson, J., Wood, K.H., Diaz-Miranda, M.A., Tara, A., Goldstein, A., Zolkipli-Cunningham, Z., McCormick, E.M., Muraresku, C., Dulik, M.C., Wallace, D., Falk, M.J.: Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in patients with myopathy. American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Mar 2023.

Aref-Eshghi, E., Cao, K., Fu, W., Wood, K.H., Spinner, N.S., Dulik, M.C., Conlin, L.C., Wang, J., Luo, M.: Too Few or Too Many? Variant Reporting Burden and Diagnostic Comparisons of an Extensive Gene Panel with Exome-Sequencing in Immunodeficiency. American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Nashville, TN Apr 2022.

Chan, A., Wood, K.H., Balciuniene, J., Troiani, J., Pearce, H., Dulik, M.C., Wang, J.: Establishing droplet digital PCR method for assessing mitochondrial DNA content in muscle. American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Nashville, TN Apr 2022.

Reichert, S.L., Lulis, L., Medne, L., Gallo, D., Priestley, J., Bedoukian, E., Gray, C., Leonard, J., Hartman, T., Xu, Z.L., Campbell, C.D., Surrey, L.F., Li, M., Izumi, K., Dulik, M., Conlin, L., Spinner, N., Krantz, I., Murrell, J.: Development of an inpatient genetic test utilization process: lessons learned through a pilot study at a large tertiary care children’s hospital. Pennsylvania Association of Genetic Counselors Annual Conference Mar 2022.

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Last updated: 07/22/2024
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania