John Y.K. Lee, M.D.

faculty photo
Professor of Neurosurgery at the Pennsylvania Hospital
Attending Neurosurgeon, Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Attending Neurosurgeon, Hospital University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Director, Penn Gamma Knife at Pennsylvania Hospital
Attending Neurosurgeon, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA
Attending Neurosurgeon, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Department: Neurosurgery

Contact information
Department of Neurosurgery
801 Spruce Street
Spruce Building
8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Office: 215-829-6700
Fax: 215-829-6645
B.S. (Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry)
Yale University, 1994.
Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey, 1998.
M.S.C.E. (Clinical Epidemiology)
University of Pennsylvania, 2015.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

Dr. Lee has a passion for minimally invasive ways to treat brain and skull base tumors. This passion is expressed as a commitment to endoscopic approaches to remove pituitary, clival, acoustic neuromas and other skull-base tumors. Another expression of his interest in minimally invasive methods is his devotion to stereotactic radiosurgery, eg. "incision-less" brain surgery.

In addition to brain tumors, Dr. Lee is committed to the comprehensive treatment of patients with craniofacial neuralgias, including trigeminal neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and hemifacial spasm. Dr. Lee uses minimally invasive, fully endoscopic surgical procedures including microvascular decompression (Jannetta procedure) and stereotactic radiosurgery to cure these disorders.

Selected Publications

Lee JYK: Near Infrared Fluorescent Intraoperative Visualization of Meningiomas. Society of Neuro-Oncology - Meningiomas (Toronto, ON) June 2016 Notes: Poster Presentation.

Brastianos PK, Taylor-Weiner A, Manley PE, Jones RT, Dias-Santagata D, Thorner AR, Lawrence MS, Rodriguez FJ, Bernardo LA, Schubert L, Sunkavalli A, Shillingford N, Calicchio ML, Lidov HG, Taha H, Martinez-Lage M, Santi M, Storm PB, Lee JY, Palmer JN, Adappa ND, Scott RM, Dunn IF, Laws ER Jr, Stewart C, Ligon KL, Hoang MP, Van Hummelen P, Hahn WC, Louis DN, Resnick AC, Kieran MW, Getz G, Santagata S.: Exome sequencing identifies BRAF mutations in papillary craniopharyngiomas. Nature Genetics 46(2): 161-5, Feb 2014.

Lee JYK, Finkelstein S, Hamilton RL, Rehka P, King Jr. JT, Omalu B: Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis of Benign, Atypical, and Anaplastic Meningiomas. Neurosurgery 55(5): 1163-1173, 2004.

Lee JYK, McInerney J, Niranjan A, Kondziolka D, Flickinger JF, Lunsford LD: Stereotactic Radiosurgery Providing Long Term Tumor Control in Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas. Journal of Neurosurgery 91(1): 65-72, 2002.

Lee JYK, Chen HI, Urban C, Hojat A, Church E, Xie SX, Farrar JT: Development and psychometric testing for the Brief Pain Inventory-Facial in patients with facial pain syndromes. Journal of Neurosurgery 113(3): 516-523, Sep 2010.

Lee, JYK, Lang SS: Fully Endoscopic Cerebellopontine Angle Surgery: A Step-By-Step Guide for Microvascular Decompression and Tumor Resection. Endo:Press Tuttlingen 2013.

Lee JYK, Bohman L, Bergsneider M: Contemporary Neurosurgical Techniques for Pituitary Tumor Resection. J Neurooncology 117(3): 437-444, May 2014.

Lee JYK, Sandhu S, Miller D, Solberg T, Dorsey JF, Alonso-Basanta M : Higher dose rate Gamma Knife radiosurgery may provide earlier and longer-lasting pain relief for patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Journal of Neurosurgery 123(4): 961-968, October 2015.

Lee JYK, O'Malley Jr, BW, Newman JG, Weinstein GS, Lega B, Diaz J, Grady MS: Transoral robotic surgery of craniocervical junction and atlantoaxial spine: a cadaveric study. Journal of Neurosurgery (Spine) 12(1): 13-18, January 2010.

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Last updated: 06/20/2023
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