Robert A. Belfer, MD

faculty photo
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine)
Department: Pediatrics

Contact information
Virtua Hospital
Children's Emergency Department
100 Bowman Drive
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Office: 856-247-3244
Fax: 856-247-4421
University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, 1983.
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1987.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

CHOP Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast

Pediatric Emergency Medicine E-Newsletter

Selected Publications

Robert A. Belfer: Genitourinary Trauma. Fleisher and Ludwig's Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Shaw, Bachur (eds.). Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins, 2020.

Flynn SG, Belfer R: Stevens Johnson Syndrome In Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, and Scarfone RJ (eds). Fleisher and Ludwig’s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult. 1st ed., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia Page: 872-873, 2012.

Belfer R: In Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, and Scarfone RJ (eds). : Mastitis Fleisher and Ludwig’s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult. 1st ed., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Page: 606-607, 2012.

Poth RA, Belfer RA: Febrile Seizures - A Clinical Review Comprehensive Therapy 24: 57-63, 1998.

Belfer RA: Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine (Book Review). Pediatric Emergency Care 13(82), 1997.

Belfer RA, Klein BL, Boenning DB, Soldin S: Evaluation of a Rapid Assay for Detection of Cocaine metabolities in Urine Specimens. Pediatric Emergency Care 12(1): 113-115, 1996.

Belfer RA: Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcal Epiglottitis as a Complication of Varicella Infection. Pediatric Emergency Care 12: 203-4, 1995.

Belfer RA, Oschsenschlager DW, Tomaski SM: Penetrating Injury to the Oral Cavity: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 3(13): 331-335, 1995.

Belfer RA: The Emergency Department Evaluation of the Febrile Infant and Child with HIV The AIDS Reader 4: 8-12, 1994.

Belfer RA: Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies, in Gastrointestinal Disorders. Pediatric Emergency medicine, ed. by barkin, RM et al, Mosby- Year Book, Inc, 1992.

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Last updated: 11/02/2023
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