Stamatia Alexiou, M.D.

faculty photo
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Pulmonary Medicine)
Attending Physician, Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Co-Associate Medical Director, Technology Dependence Center, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Director, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship Program, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department: Pediatrics

Contact information
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The Hub for Clinical Collaboration
3500 Civic Center Blvd, #14525
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-590-3749
Fax: 215-590-3500
B.A. (Psychology)
Boston University , 2003.
MD (Medicine)
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 2008.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Description of Clinical Expertise

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Chronic Lung Disease
Chronic Mechanical Ventilation
Cystic Fibrosis

Selected Publications

Bhandari A., Alexiou S. : Outpatient management of established bronchopulmonary dysplasia: An update. Seminars in Perinatology October 2023.

Winston M Manimtim, Amit Agarwal, Stamatia Alexiou, Jonathan C Levin, Brianna C Aoyama, Eric D Austin , Manvi Bansal, Sarah E Bauer, A. Ioana Cristea, Julie L Fierro, Donna M Garey, Lystra P Hayden, Jacob Kaslow, Audrey N Miller, Paul E Moore, Leif D Nelin, Antonia P Popova, Jessica L Rice, Michael C Tracy, Christopher D Baker, Sara K Dawson, Laurie C Eldredge, Khanh Lai, Lawrence M Rhein, Roopa Siddaiah , Natalie Villafranco, Sharon Ann McGrath-Morrow, and Joseph M Collaco: Respiratory Outcomes for Ventilator-Dependent Children with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics March 2023.

Collaco JM, Li Y, Rhein LM, Tracy MC, Sheils CA, Rice JL, Popova AP, Moore PE, Manimtim WM, Lai K, Kaslow JA, Hayden LP, Bansal M, Austin ED, Aoyama B, Alexiou S, Agarwal A, Villafranco N, Siddaiah R, Lagatta JM, Dawson SK, Cristea AI, Bauer SE, Baker CD, McGrath-Morrow SA. : Validation of an Outpatient Questionnaire for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Control. Pediatric Pulmonology February 2023.

Joseph M. Collaco, Michael C. Tracy, Catherine A. Sheils, Jessica L. Rice, Lawrence M. Rhein, Leif D. Nelin, Paul E. Moore, Winston M. Manimtim, Jonathan C. Levin, Khanh Lai, Lystra P. Hayden, Julie L. Fierro, Eric D. Austin, Stamatia Alexiou, Amit Agarwal, Natalie Villafranco, Roopa Siddaiah, Antonia P. Popova, Ioana A. Cristea, Christopher D. Baker, Manvi Bansal, Sharon A. McGrath-Morrow: Insurance Coverage and Respiratory Morbidities in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatric Pulmonology 57(7): 1735-1743, July 2022.

Julianne McGlynn, MD Stamatia Alexiou, MD : Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Netter's Pediatrics, 2nd edition. Rebecca Tenney Soeiro, MD Erin Pete Devon, MD (eds.). Elsevier, Page: 782-785, June 2022.

Erik Jensen, Ceylan Tanes, Krithika Lingappan, Joseph Piccione, Stamatia Alexiou, Julie Fierro, Clyde Wright, G Scott Worthen : Ecological continuity of bacterial communities in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts in ventilator dependent infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Denver, CO April 2022.

Alexiou S., Piccione J.: Long-Term Ventilator Dependency in Patients Without Lung Disease. Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care (5th ed.) March 2022.

Joseph M Collaco, Amit Agarwal, Eric D Austin, Lystra P Hayden, Khanh Lai, Jonathan Levin, Winston M Manimtim, Paul E Moore, Catherine A Sheils, Michael C Tracy, Stamatia Alexiou, Christopher D Baker, A Ioana Cristea, Julie L Fierro, Lawrence M Rhein, Natalie Villafranco, Leif D Nelin, Sharon A McGrath-Morrow : Characteristics of infants or children presenting to outpatient bronchopulmonary dysplasia clinics in the United States. Pediatric Pulmonology 56(6): 1617-1625, June 2021.

Timothy D. Nelin, Scott Lorch, Erik A. Jensen, Stamatia Alexiou, Kathleen Gibbs, Natalie Napolitano, Heather M. Monk, Susan Furth, Justine Shults, Nicolas A. Bamat : The association between diuretic class exposures and enteral electrolyte use in infants developing grade 2 or 3 bronchopulmonary dysplasia in United States children’s hospitals. Journal of Perinatology 41(4): 779-785, March 2021.

Gibbs K, Jensen EA, Alexiou S, Munson D, Zhang H.: Ventilation Strategies in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Neoreviews 21(4): e226-e237, April 2020.

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Last updated: 07/09/2024
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