Kumarasen Cooper, MBChB, DPhil, FRCPath

faculty photo
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Contact information
HUP - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
6.067 Founders
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Office: 215-662-6538
University of Durban-Westville, 1974.
BSc (Hons)
University of Durban-Westville, 1975.
University of Natal, 1980.
University of Oxford, 1992.
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Description of Clinical Expertise

Jan 1982-Dec 1989/Dec 1992-Mar 1999: Routine Post Mortem and Surgical Pathology including use of Electron Microscopy, Immunofluorescence, Frozen Sections and Immunohistochemistry

May 1999-present: Routine general Surgical pathology sign out

Description of Research Expertise

Jan 1990-1992: As an Oxford Nuffield Research Fellow I joined Professor J O'D McGee's research laboratory at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Using nonisotopic in-situ hybridisation (NISH) I conducted studies on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the uterine cervix using neoplastic specimens of paraffin embedded archival material from South Africa and Oxford. This led to the sequencing of a new HPV type from South Africa. In addition a novel method to determine the physical state of HPV using NISH was also described using confirmatory Southern blotting techniques. This work comprised the DPhil thesis.

Jan 1993-Mar 1999: In Johannesburg, I set up a molecular pathology laboratory utilising DNA in situ hybridisation, immunohistochemistry and PCR technology. This was funded by the SAIMR, MRC and NCA. Staffed with two full time senior technologists and one scientist, residents and attendings were involved in translational research. See abstracts and publications). I also set up the use of PCR (as an MMed project) for the investigation of lymphomas using gene rearrangements. This is now used as a routine investigation in this department. PCR technology for the detection of mycobacteria and HHV-8 is used for both research and diagnosis in paraffin sections. Several collaborative studies have been conducted with groups in the UK and USA (see publications).

May 1999-Present: In Burlington, Vermont, the Division of Experimental Pathology was created under my headship with two PhD scientists and two technicians. Pathology attendings and residents use this facility to engage in translational research. Collaborative projects have also been developed with Gyn Oncology, Otolaryngology and the Vermont Cancer Center. Aspects of my own research in HPV-associated cervical neoplasia continue to be investigated in this laboratory. These efforts are funded by the Vermont Cancer Center and Fletcher Allen Health Care.

An HPV Working Group comprising experts from various areas was also conceived with the view to educating high school teachers and children about the potential consequences of cervical HPV infections. Programs and presentation packages have been distributed with an enthusiastic reception.

Selected Publications

Bumrungthai S, Munjal K, Nandekar S, Cooper K, Ekalaksananan T, Pientong C and Evans MF: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Pathway Mutation and Expression Profiles in Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Therapeutic Implications. Journal of Translational Medicine 13: 244, July 2015.

Chetty R, Cooper K and Gown A.: Leong's Manual for Diagnostic Antibodies. Book 3rd edition, 2016

Munjal, K, Adamson, CS-C, Rajendran, V, Nakedkar, S, Cooper K: Human Papillomavirus Type Distribution in Invasive Cervical Cancers from Madhya Pradesh: Implications for Vaccination Programs in Central India. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 33(5): 531-536, Sept 2014.

Santer JL, Kalof AN, Evans MF, Cooper K: Prospective Analysis of P16INK4a Immunoexpression and HPV type in Benign Cervical Biopsies. Modern Pathology 27(#1259): 305A, 2014.

Reyes MC, Cooper K: Cervical cancer biopsy reporting: A review. Indian Journal of Pathlology and Microbiology 57(3): 364-368, 2014.

Evans MF, Peng Z, Clark KM, Adamson CSC, Ma XJ, Wu X, Wang H, Luo Y, Cooper K: HPV E6/E7 RNA In Situ Hybridization Signal Patterns as Biomarkers on Three-Tier Cervical Intraepithelial Neioplasia Grade. PLOS|ONE 9: e91142, 2014.

Reyes MC, Cooper K: An update on vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: terminology and a practical approach to diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Pathology 67: 290-294, 2014.

Santer JL, Kalof AN, Evans MF, Powlovich LM, Cooper K.: P16INK4a Immunoexpression as a Possible Predictor of Disease Progression in Squamous Cervical Dysplasia. Modern Pathology 27(1259): 304A, 2014.

Gardner J-A, Tang M, Cooper K. : Cytogenetic and Histopathologic Correlation of Renal Epithelial Neoplasms. Modern Pathology 27(946): 230A, 2014.

Tatsumi K, Adamson CS, Peng Z, evans MF, Cooper K: Human Papillomavirus in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Vermont: 1989-2010. Modern Pathology 27(1359): 330A, 2014.

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Last updated: 06/13/2023
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