Nathan Belkin, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Active Surgeon, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Active Surgeon, Penn Presbyterian Medicine Center, Philadelphia, PA
Attending Surgeon, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Department: Surgery
Contact information
Division of Vascular Surgery
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, 14th Floor South PCAM
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, 14th Floor South PCAM
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-847-7430
BA (Biology and Environmental Studies (Magna cum Laude))
Amherst College, Amherst, MA, 2012.
Harvard Medical School HST Program, Boston, MA, 2016.
Permanent linkBA (Biology and Environmental Studies (Magna cum Laude))
Amherst College, Amherst, MA, 2012.
Harvard Medical School HST Program, Boston, MA, 2016.
Selected Publications
Belkin N, Belkin M: Open aortic aneurysm repair. Atlas of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Second Edition. Chaikof EL (eds.). Philadelphia: WB Saunders Elsevier, 2025 (in press).Sadri BS, Low DW, Jackson OA, Jackson BM, Belkin N: Subclavian to carotid artery bypass for a case of ocular ischemic syndrome. Vascular 32(4): 792-796, Aug. 2024 Notes: Epub Mar. 14, 2024.
Biagetti G, Al Adas Z, Glaser JD, Loh S, Wang GJ, Belkin N: 8mm conduit outperforms 6mm conduit in extra-anatomic bypass. Journal of Vascular Surgery 77(6): e192, June 2023 Notes: Presented at the 2023 Vascular Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, June 2023.
Stoecker JB, Cohen JB, Belkin N, Chen JC, Townsend RR, Xie D, Feldman HI, Wang GJ; CRIC Study Investigators: Socioeconomic characteristics of those with peripheral artery disease in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort. Vascular 31(1): 39-46, Feb. 2023 Notes: Mar. 28, 2022.
Ramadan OI, Santos T, Stoecker JB, Belkin N, Jackson BM, Schneider DB, Rice J, Wang GJ: The differential impact of Medicaid expansion on disparities in outcomes following peripheral vascular intervention. Annals of Vascular Surgery 86: 135-143, Oct. 2022 Notes: Epub Apr. 20, 2022.
McCoy MG, Pérez-Cremades D, Belkin N, Peng W, Zhang B, Chen J, Sachan M, Wara AKMK, Zhuang R, Cheng HS, Feinberg MW: A miRNA cassette reprograms smooth muscle cells into endothelial cells. FASEB Journal 36(4): e22239, Apr. 2022.
Stoecker JB, Cohen JB, Belkin N, Chen JC, Townsend RR, Xie D, Feldman HI, Wang GJ; CRIC Study Investigators: The association between socioeconomic factors and incident peripheral artery disease in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort (CRIC). Annals of Vascular Surgery 80: 196-205, Mar. 2022 Notes: Epub Oct. 14, 2021.
McCoy MG, Cremades DP, Belkin N, Peng W, Zhang B, Wara A, Cheng H, Zhuang R, Feinberg MW: A mirna cassette for reprogramming vascular smooth muscle cells into endothelial cells. Circulation 144(Suppl 1), Nov. 16 2021 Notes: Presented at the American Heart Association's 2021 Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA, Nov. 2021.
Belkin N, Damrauer S, Jackson B, Glaser J, Kalapatapu V, Golden M, Schneider DB, Wang GJ: Evaluating the effects of increased utilization of dual antiplatelet therapy after complex endovascular aortic aneurysm repair and visceral vessel treatment. Journal of Vascular Surgery 74(3): e217-e218, Sept. 2021 Notes: Poster presentation at the Society of Vascular Annual Meeting - Vascular 2021, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2021.
Belkin N, Stoecker JB, Jackson B, Damrauer S, Glaser J, Kalapatapu V, Golden M, Schneider DB, Wang GJ: Predicting reamputation at a higher level after transmetatarsal amputation. Journal of Vascular Surgery 74(3): e184-e185, Sept. 2021 Notes: Poster presentation at the Society of Vascular Annual Meeting - Vascular 2021, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2021.