Melanie K Franklin, PhD

faculty photo
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Pediatric Psychologist, Sleep Center, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Clinical Director, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department: Psychiatry

Contact information
3500 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
BA (Psychology, Minor: Jewish Studies)
Muhlenberg College, 2013.
MEd (Human Development)
Lehigh University, 2014.
PhD (School Psychology (subspecialization: Pediatric School Psychology))
Lehigh University, 2019.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

Canella, R., Feld, L., Balmer, D., Franklin, M., Cielo, C., Xanthopoulos, M.S,.: Using a longitudinal qualitative approach to understand the lived experiences of caregivers of infants with obstructive sleep apnea who require chronic non-invasive respiratory support. Pediatric Pulmonology 2024.

Canter, K.,. Strang, A., Franklin, M., Wilks, S., Geiser, D., Okonak, K, Deatrick, J., & Chidekel, A. : A qualitative exploration of sleep habits and intervention needs among youth with Cystic Fibrosis. The Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 29(1): 44-53, March 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s10880-021-09774-4. Epub 2021 Apr 10.

Consultant for: Flack, L. & Margolis, E. (Producers): Smack dab in the middle of the day show [TV series] Stinger Pictures 2022.

Franklin, M.K., Karpyn, A., Christofferson, J., McWhorter, L.G., Demianczyk, A.C., Brosig, C.L., Jackson, E.A., Lihn, S., Zyblewski, S.C., Kazak, A.E.,& Sood, E.: Barriers and facilitators to discussing parent mental health within child health care: Perspectives of parents raising a child with congenital heart disease. The Journal of Child Healthcare Dec 2021 Notes: doi: 10.1177/13674935211058010 (available on 2023-06-08). Epub ahead of print.

Franklin, M.K., Karpyn, A., Christofferson, J., McWhorter, L.G., Demianczyk, A.C., Brosig, C.L., Jackson, E.A., Lihn, S., Zyblewski, S.C., Kazak, A.E., & Sood, E.: Parental perceptions of barriers and facilitators to discussing mental health with pediatric healthcare providers. The Journal of Child Healthcare 2021.

Strang, A., Franklin, M.K., Greenawald, L., Canter, K., & Chidekel, A. : Examining quality of life, anxiety, and sleep in children with chronic respiratory disease. Poster accepted at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 2020.

Franklin, M.K., Canter, K., Strang, A., Greenawald, L., & Chidekel, A.: Looking beyond the lungs: Predictors of daytime sleepiness in children with asthma and cystic fibrosis. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas. March 2020.

Franklin, M.K., Christofferson, J., McWhorter, L., Demianczyk, A., Lihn, S., Delaplane, E., Brosig, C., Zyblewski, S., Kazak, A.E., & Sood, E. : Barriers and facilitators to discussing parent and family emotional needs within pediatric cardiac care. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative, Toronto Ontario. October 2019.

Busch, C.Z., DuPaul, G.J., Anastopoulos, A.D., Franklin, M., Jaffe, A., Stack, K.F., & Weyandt, L.L.: First-year college students with ADHD: Risk for and correlates of alcohol and substance use. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 32(4): 377-393, 2019.

DuPaul, G.J., & Frankin, M.K. : Legal, ethical, and professional issues related to the use of psychotropic medications in school-aged populations. School psychopharmacology: Translating research into practice. J.S. Carlson & J.A. Barterian (eds.). New York: Springer International Publishing. 2019.

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Last updated: 06/13/2024
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