Peter Yen, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Hospital Medicine)
Attending Physician, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Good Shepherd Penn Partners Long Term Acute Care Hospital
Co-Director of Clinical Coaching, Department of Medicine
Advisory Dean, Perelman School of Medicine
Department: Medicine
Contact information
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
5 Maloney
3400 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
5 Maloney
3400 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-662-3797
Fax: 215-662-6250
Fax: 215-662-6250
BA (Chemistry, Psychology)
Washington University in St. Louis, 2010.
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, 2014.
Permanent linkBA (Chemistry, Psychology)
Washington University in St. Louis, 2010.
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, 2014.
Selected Publications
Peter Yen, Eric Goren: An Approach to the Disorganized, Inefficient Learner. ACGME Remediation Toolkit August 2023 Notes: Module 6: An Approach to the Disorganized, Inefficient Learner. M. Warburton, Andrew S. Parsons, Peter Yen, and Eric Goren: Evaluation and Remediation of Organization, Efficiency, and Time Management. Remediation in Medical Education, 2nd Edition. Adina Kalet, Calvin L. Chou (eds.). Springer, Page: 125-134, August 2023 Notes: Chapter 11.
Margot E. Cohen, MD, MSEd; Caitlin B. Clancy, MD, MSHP; D. Rani Nandiwada, MD, MS; Keith Hamilton, MD; Peter H. Yen, MD: Building the Team: Residents as Clinical Coaches. SGIM Forum 45(9): 1, 12, 13, September 2022.
Nadia Bennett, Andrew Orr, Peter Yen, Margot Cohen: Teaching Fast and Slow: A Framework and Toolkit for Clinical Reasoning Development on the Wards. Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine Page: Faculty Development Resources, 2020.
Peter Yen: Acute CMV infection. ACP Hospitalist July 2019.
Peter Yen, Dilan Patel, Rakhee Bhayani: Hypercalcemia of Malignancy. ACP Hospitalist November 2017.
Dominic Reeds, Peter Yen: Nutrition Support. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 35th Edition 2016.