Kathleen Demery Valverde, PhD, MS, LCGC

faculty photo
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Translational Medicine and Human Genetics) at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Director, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Master of Science in Genetic Counseling Program
Director, Advanced Research Training Certificate Program for Genetic Counseling, PSOM
Department: Medicine

Contact information
Master of Science in Genetic Counseling Program
Perelman School of Medicine
Maloney Building, Ninth Floor, MO9027
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215-573-3777
BA (Psychology)
Binghamton University, 1984.
MS (Human Genetics)
Sarah Lawrence College, 1986.
PhD (Biomedical Sciences)
Salus University, 2021.
Permanent link
> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

Reichert, S.L., Dechene, E., Lulis, L., Valverde, K.D., Conway, L., Dulik, M.: Leveling the field: Development of an asynchronous interactive module series for genetic counseling trainees on molecular testing and variant interpretation. Journal of Genetic Counseling 33(1): 151-155, Feb 2024.

Kessler, L. J., Mundt, M., Freiberg, Y., Taylor, L., & Valverde, K. D: Telesupervision in genetic counseling education during COVID-19 and beyond. Journal of Genetic Counseling Page: 1-10, Jan 2024.

Anez Bruzual I, Coughlin S, Clay D, Heiman J, Dungan M, Weber M, Almario CV, Leung G, Ahmad NA, Ginsberg GG, Kochman ML, Valverde KD, Long JM, Katona BW. : Assessment of the Psychosocial Impact of Pancreatic Cancer Surveillance in High-Risk Individuals. Cancers (Basel) 16(1): 86, Dec 2023

Kessler, L.J., Conway, L.J., Love, R., Valverde, K.D.: Paid summer undergraduate internships are one strategy to increase diversity in genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling 32(6): 1325-1329, Dec 2023.

Wang, B., Conway, L., Taylor, L., Valverde, K.: The influence of licensure on ABGC certification examination outcomes. Journal of Genetic Counseling 33(4): 897-905, Aug 2024.

Williams S, Ebrahimzadeh JE, Clay D, Constantino G, Heiman J, Wangensteen KJ, Valverde K, Mahmud N, Katona BW.: Comparing telemedicine and in-person gastrointestinal cancer genetic appointment outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 8(21 (1)), May 2023.

Cacioppo, C.N., Kessler, L.J., Valverde, K.D.: Incorporating telehealth education into the genetic counseling curriculum. Journal of Genetic Counseling 32(6): 1217-1221, Dec 2023.

Valverde KD, McCormick EM, Falk MJ: Qualitative exploration of the lived experience of adults diagnosed with primary mitochondrial disease. JIMD Rep 63(5): 494-507, Jul 2022.

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Last updated: 01/13/2025
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania