Denise Oswalt, PhD

faculty photo
Research Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
Department: Neurosurgery

Contact information
3700 Hamilton Walk
Richards, Rm 601A
Philadelphia, PA 19104
BSE (Biomedical Engineering)
Arizona State University, 2014.
PhD (Biomedical Engineering)
Arizona State University, 2018.
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Selected Publications

Xiao J, Adkinson JA, Myers J, Allawala AB, Mathura RK, Pirtle V, Najera R, Provenza NR, Bartoli E, Watrous AJ, Oswalt D, Gadot R, Anand A, Shofty B, Mathew SJ, Goodman WK, Pouratian N, Pitkow X, Bijanki KR, Hayden B, Sheth SA.: Beta activity in human anterior cingulate cortex mediates reward biases. Nat Commun 15: 5528, Jul 2024.

Jung T, Zeng N, Fabbri JD, Eichler G, Li Z, Willeke K, Wingel KE, Dubey A, Huq R, Sharma M, Hu Y, Ramakrishnan G, Tien K, Mantovani P, Parihar A, Yin H, Oswalt D, Misdorp A, Uguz I, Shinn T, Rodriguez GJ, Nealley C, Gonzales I, Roukes M, Knecht J, Yoshor D, Canoll P, Spinazzi E, Carloni LP, Pesaran B, Patel S, Youngerman B, Cotton RJ, Tolias A, Shepard KL.: Stable, chronic in-vivo recordings from a fully wireless subdural-contained 65,536-electrode brain-computer interface device. bioRxiv May 2024.

Allawala A, Bijanki KR, Oswalt D, Mathura RK, Adkinson J, Pirtle V, Shofty B, Robinson M, Harrison MT, Mathew SJ, Goodman WK, Pouratian N, Sheth SA, Borton DA.: Prefrontal network engagement by deep brain stimulation in limbic hubs. Front Hum Neurosci 17: 1291315, Jan 2024.

Hacker C, Mocchi MM, Xiao J, Metzger BA, Adkinson JA, Pascuzzi BR, Mathura RC, Oswalt D, Watrous A, Bartoli E, Allawala A, Pirtle V, Fan X, Danstrom I, Shofty B, Banks G, Zhang Y, Armenta-Salas M, Mirpour K, Provenza N, Mathew S, Cohn J, Borton D, Goodman W, Pouratian N, Sheth SA, Bijanki KR.: Aperiodic neural activity is a biomarker for depression severity. medRxiv Nov 2023.

Denise Oswalt, William Bosking, Michael Beauchamp, Daniel Yoshor: Modulation of low frequency rhythms using electrical in human subjects Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC November 2023.

Xiao J, Provenza NR, Asfouri J, Myers J, Mathura RK, Metzger B, Adkinson JA, Allawala AB, Pirtle V, Oswalt D, Shofty B, Robinson ME, Mathew SJ, Goodman WK, Pouratian N, Schrater PR, Patel AB, Tolias AS, Bijanki KR, Pitkow X, Sheth SA.: Decoding Depression Severity from Intracranial Neural Activity. Biol Psychiatry S0006-3223(23): 00048-3, Jan 2023 Notes: [Epub Ahead of Print]

Sheth SA, Shofty B, Allawala A, Xiao J, Adkinson JA, Mathura RK, Pirtle V, Myers J, Oswalt D, Provenza NR, Giridharan N, Noecker AM, Banks GP, Gadot R, Najera RA, Anand A, Devara E, Dang H, Bartoli E, Watrous A, Cohn J, Borton D, Mathew SJ, McIntyre CC, Goodman W, Bijanki K, Pouratian N.: Stereo-EEG-guided network modulation for psychiatric disorders: Surgical considerations. Brain Stimul 2023.

Bosking WH, Oswalt DN, Foster BL, Sun P, Beauchamp MS, Yoshor D.: Percepts evoked by multi-electrode stimulation of human visual cortex. Brain Stimul 15(5): 1163-1177, Sep 2022.

Sheth SA, Bijanki KR, Metzger B, Allawala A, Pirtle V, Adkinson JA, Myers J, Mathura RK, Oswalt D, Tsolaki E, Xiao J, Noecker A, Strutt AM, Cohn JF, McIntyre CC, Mathew SJ, Borton D, Goodman W, Pouratian N.: Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression Informed by Intracranial Recordings. Biol Psychiatry 92(3): 246-251, Aug 2022.

Malekmohammadi M, Mustakos R, Sheth S, Pouratian N, McIntyre CC, Bijanki KR, Tsolaki E, Chiu K, Robinson ME, Adkinson JA, Oswalt D, Carcieri S.: Automated optimization of deep brain stimulation parameters for modulating neuroimaging-based targets. J Neural Eng 19(4), Jul 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1088/7141-2552/ac7e6c.

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Last updated: 07/16/2024
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