Nicholas J Seewald, PhD

faculty photo
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department: Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Contact information
624 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104
BS (Mathematics (with Life Science), cum laude)
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 2013.
MS (Biostatistics)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2015.
MA (Statistics)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2018.
PhD (Statistics)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2021.
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Description of Research Expertise

Dr. Seewald is a statistician who develops and applies statistical methodology to answer key questions in public health and medicine through thoughtful study design and analysis combined with deep collaboration with applied scientists. His work is motivated by problems across a wide array of applications, including physical activity, oncology, and substance use and related policy, and spans the entire investigative process from formulating a research question through study design and data analysis.

His goal is to develop statistical methods that empower scientists to make impactful contributions in their fields. His methodological work involves building tools to address important statistical issues in a way that is accessible and understandable to applied researchers. His work is primarily related to causal inference – the use of data to make causal conclusions through precise assumptions, strong study design, and estimation techniques – with complex repeated-measures data.

Selected Publications

Seewald NJ, McGinty EE, Stuart EA: Target Trial Emulation for Evaluating Health Policy. Annals of Internal Medicine 177(11): 1530-1538, Oct 2024.

Stone EM, Jopson AD, Seewald NJ, Stuart EA, Wise E, McCourt AD, German D, McGinty EE : Effects of Texas state agency integration on mental health service use among individuals with co-occurring cognitive disabilities and mental health conditions. Community Mental Health Journal Aug 2024.

McGinty EE, Tormohlen KN, Seewald NJ, Bicket MC, McCourt AD, Rutkow L, White SA, Stuart EA: Effects of U.S. State Medical Cannabis Laws on Treatment of Chronic Noncancer Pain. Annals of Internal Medicine 176: 904-912, July 2023.

McGinty EE, Bicket MC, Seewald NJ, Stuart EA, Alexander GC, Barry CL, McCourt AD, Rutkow L: Effects of State Opioid Prescribing Laws on Use of Opioid and Other Pain Treatments Among Commercially Insured U.S. Adults. Annals of Internal Medicine 175(5): 617-627, May 2022.

McGinty EE, Seewald NJ, Bandara S, Cerdá M, Daumit GL, Eisenberg MD, Griffin BA, Igusa T, Jackson JW, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Marsteller J, Miech EJ, Purtle J, Schmid I, Schuler MS, Yuan CT, Stuart EA: Scaling Interventions to Manage Chronic Disease: Innovative Methods at the Intersection of Health Policy Research and Implementation Science. Prevention Science 25, 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s11121-022-01427-8.

Seewald NJ, Kidwell KM, Nahum-Shani I, Wu T, McKay JR, Almirall D: Sample size considerations for comparing dynamic treatment regimens in a sequential multiple-assignment randomized trial with a continuous longitudinal outcome. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29(7): 1891-1912, Jul 2020.

Seewald NJ, Smith SN, Lee AJ, Klasnja P, Murphy SA: Practical Considerations for Data Collection and Management in Mobile Health Micro-randomized Trials. Statistics in Biosciences 11(2): 355-370, Jul 2019.

Klasnja P, Smith S, Seewald NJ, Lee A, Hall K, Luers B, Hekler EB, Murphy SA: Efficacy of Contextually Tailored Suggestions for Physical Activity: A Micro-randomized Optimization Trial of HeartSteps. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 53(6): 573-582, May 2019.

Kidwell KM, Seewald NJ, Tran Q, Kasari C, Almirall D: Design and Analysis Considerations for Comparing Dynamic Treatment Regimens with Binary Outcomes from Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials. Journal of Applied Statistics 45: 1628-1651, 2018.

Hertz DL, Kidwell KM, Seewald NJ, Gersch CL, Desta Z, Flockhart DA, Storniolo AM, Stearns V, Skaar TC, Hayes DF, Henry NL, Rae JM: Polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes and steady-state exemestane concentration in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer. The Pharmacogenomics Journal 17(6): 521-527, Dec 2017.

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Last updated: 01/10/2025
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