Sara L Kornfield
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Director, Maternal Wellness Initiative, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Director, Penn Center for Women's Behavioral Wellness, Psychiatry Department, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Department: Psychiatry
Contact information
3535 Market Street, 3rd floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 2157461255
Fax: 2155738881
Lab: 2157461255
Fax: 2155738881
Lab: 2157461255
Search PubMed for articles
Interviewed by WHYY reporter for statements on postpartum depression risk during COVID
Search PubMed for articles
Interviewed by WHYY reporter for statements on postpartum depression risk during COVID
B.A. (Psychology)
Barnard College, Columbia University , 2003.
M.S. (Clinical Psychology)
Drexel University, 2008.
Ph.D. (Clinical Health Psychology)
Drexel University, 2010.
B.A. (Psychology)
Barnard College, Columbia University , 2003.
M.S. (Clinical Psychology)
Drexel University, 2008.
Ph.D. (Clinical Health Psychology)
Drexel University, 2010.
Post-Graduate Training
Pre-doctoral Internship in Psychology, Northport Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, Northport, NY, 2009-2010.
Fellowship, Primary Care-Mental Health Integration, Philadelphia, Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2010-2012.
Fellowship, Perinatal Mental Health and the Neurobiology of Pregnancy , University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2013-2014.
Permanent linkPre-doctoral Internship in Psychology, Northport Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, Northport, NY, 2009-2010.
Fellowship, Primary Care-Mental Health Integration, Philadelphia, Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2010-2012.
Fellowship, Perinatal Mental Health and the Neurobiology of Pregnancy , University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2013-2014.
Selected Publications
Njoroge, W.F.M., Tieu, T., Eckhardt, D., Himes, M., Alexandre, C., Hall, Waynitra, Wisniewski, K., Popoola, A., Holloway, K., Rodriguez, Y., Kornfield, S.L., Momplaisir, F., Wang, X., Gur, R., Waller, R. : The Impact of the Pandemic on Mothers and Children, with a Focus on Syndemic Effects on Black Families: The "Prenatal to Preschool" Study Protocol. Frontiers in Psychiatry-Perinatal Psychiatry 14, January 2024 Notes: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1281666.Lenze, S. N., McKay-Gist, K., Paul, R., Tepe, M., Mathews, K., Kornfield, S., Phillips, C., Smith, R., Stoermer, A., & Carter, E. B. : Elevating Voices, Addressing Depression, Toxic Stress, and Equity Through Group Prenatal Care: A Pilot Study. Health Equity 8(1): 87-95, 2024 Notes:
Kaplan, K., Obasi, M., Kundra, L., Blaine, V., Purcell, F., Kornfield, S.L. : MotherSHIPP: An App in development for education and support of perinatal women with substance use disorders. Alternative Media/mHealth App 2024.
Waller, R., Paz, Y., Himes, M. M., White, L. K., Rodriguez, Y., Gorgone, A., Luby, J., Gerstein, E. D., Brady, R. G., Chaiyachati, B. H., Duncan, A., Barzilay, R., Kornfield, S. L., Burris, H. H., Seidlitz, J., Parish-Morris, J., Laney, N., Gur, R. E., & Njoroge, W. F. M. : Observations of Positive Parenting from Online Parent-Child Interactions at Age 1. Parenting, science and practice 24(1): 39-65, 2024 Notes:
Tan, M. T., Darden, N., Peterson, K., Trout, K. K., Christ, L., Handley, S. C., Kornfield, S. L., Power, M. E., Montoya-Williams, D., Lewey, J., Gregory, E. F., Lorch, S. A., DeMauro, S. B., Levine, L. D., & Burris, H. H. : Bringing postpartum care to the NICU-An opportunity to improve health in a high-risk obstetric population. Journal of perinatology: official journal of the California Perinatal Association, Journal of Perinatology 43(1): 1-2, January 2023.
Hantsoo, L., Jagodnik K.M., Novick, A.M., Baweja, R., di Scalea, T.L., Ozerdem,A., McGlade E.C., Simeonova D.I., Dekel, S., Kornfield, S.L., Nazareth, M., Weiss, S.J. : The role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in depression across the female reproductive lifecycle: current knowledge and future directions. Frontiers in Endocrinology 14, 2023.
Duffy, K. A., Sammel, M. D., Johnson, R. L., Kim, D. R., Wang, E. Y., Ewing, G., Hantsoo, L., Kornfield, S. L., Bale, T. L., & Epperson, C. N. : Maternal adverse childhood experiences impact fetal adrenal volume in a sex-specific manner. Biology of sex differences. Biology of Sex Differences 14(1), 2023.
White*, L.K., Kornfield*, S.L., Himes, M.M., Forkpa, M., Waller, R., Njoroge, W.F.M., Barzilay, R., Chaiyachati, B.H., Burris, H.H., Duncan, A.F., Seidlitz, J., Parish-Morris, J., Elovitz, M.A., Gur, R.E.: The Impact of Postpartum Social Support on Postpartum Mental Health Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 26(4): 531-541, 2023.
White, L. K., Himes, M. M., Waller, R., Njoroge, W. F. M., Chaiyachati, B. H., Barzilay, R., Kornfield, S. L., Burris, H. H., Seidlitz, J., Parish-Morris, J., Brady, R. G., Gerstein, E. D., Laney, N., Gur, R. E., & Duncan, A. F. : The Influence of Pandemic-Related Worries During Pregnancy on Child Development at 12 Months., Child psychiatry and human development 2023 Notes: 10.1007/s10578-023-01605-x. Advance online publication.
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Parents who use formula face stigma during national formula shortage. \{The Philadelphia Inquirer} 2022 Notes: Kornfield quoted in the article.