faculty photo

Alexandra Smith Miller

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Department: Psychiatry

Contact information
3535 Market Street
2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
BA (English)
Harvard College, 2007.
Univeristy of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, 2011.
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 2020.
Post-Graduate Training
Psychiatry Intern, University of Pennsylvania Health System, 2020-2021.
Psychiatry Resident, University of Pennsylvania Health System, 2021-2024.
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> Perelman School of Medicine   > Faculty   > Details

Selected Publications

Setty BA, Stanek JR, Mascarenhas L, Miller A, Bagatell R, Okcu F, Nicholls L, Lysecki D, Gupta AA.: Vincristine, irinotecan, and temozolomide in children and adolescents with relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatric Blood Cancer 65(1), January 2017.

Rochelle Bagatell, Kieran McHugh, Arlene Naranjo, Collin Van Ryn, Chaim Kirby , Penelope Brock, Karen A Lyons, Lisa J States, Yesenia Rojas, Alexandra Miller, Sam L Volchenboum, Thorsten Simon, Barbara Krug, Sabine Sarnacki, Dominique Valteau-Couanet, Dietrich von Schweinitz, Birgit Kammer, Claudio Granata, Luca Pio, Julie R Park, Jed Nuchtern : Assessment of primary site response in children with high risk neuroblastoma: an international multicenter study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(7): 740-46, March 2016.

Miller A, Batra V, States LJ, Bhatia A, Li Y, Maris JM, Bagatell R. : Response in soft tissue lesions following therapeutic [131I]MIBG in children with neuroblastoma. Poster presentation at Philadelphia College of Physicians Student Poster Conference May 2014.

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Last updated: 11/13/2024
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