Penn Dental Medicine Orthodontics

There are several treatments for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) remains the standard OSA treatment. However, some patients may be candidates for alternative non-CPAP therapies such as upper airway surgeries, oral appliances, medical or surgical weight loss options, or other novel therapies.


Oral appliance therapy (OAT) may be an option for patients with chronic snoring or mild to moderate sleep apnea.

Oral appliances, also known as oral mandibular advancement devices, are adjusted over time to advance the lower jaw into a more forward position. The concept is that advancing the jaw forward also pulls the tongue forward to help open an obstructed the airway while sleeping.  Like CPAP, the oral appliance is only worn while sleeping. A sleep specialist and dentist with expertise in oral appliances for thMoving jaw forwardis purpose should jointly determine if this treatment is best for you.

After device adjustments, a repeat sleep study will determine if the oral appliance therapy is controlling your sleep apnea.   


To make an appointment or for more information, call call 215-898-8965 or visit the Penn Dental Medicine Orthodontics website.


About Penn Dental Medicine Orthodontics Sleep Management Service

Penn Dental Medicine Orthodontics is pleased to offer sleep management evaluations every Friday.

This type of diagnostic and appliance visit is not generally covered by medical and dental insurances.  As such, payment will be required for any appliance purchased at the time of service.  Patients are responsible for seeking reimbursement from their dental or medical insurance provider for the appliance. Penn Dental Medicine will provide you with walk-out statements that will include all information needed for you to file with your insurance carrier.

Penn Dental Medicine will submit dental insurance forms for possible reimbursement directly to you or to your dental insurer for the following: evaluation visit, records and imaging scans (radiology) if applicable.

What to Expect

Your first sleep management visit is an evaluation. If you choose to continue treatment, the process to create and adjust your appliance will involve several visits over the course of one year with fees for records (digital dental impressions), CBCT (radiology), and fabrication, insertion and initial adjustment of the sleep apnea appliance. After one year, there will be a separate office visit for the appliance adjustment and progress check. Generally, follow-up visits are recommended every three months. For further information, please call Penn Dental Medicine Orthodontics at 215-746-1283.