Neil D Romberg, MD

faculty photo
Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Allergy/Immunology) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Attending Physician, Immunology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Jeffery Modell Endowed Chair of Pediatric Immunology Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Member, Institute for Immunology , University of Pennsylvania
Member, Protective Immunity and Immunopathology Research Affinity Group, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Founding Member, Dysregulated Immunity Program, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department: Pediatrics
Graduate Group Affiliations

Contact information
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
3615 Civic Center Blvd, Suite 1216C
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 2674260363
B.S. (Botany)
University of Michigan, 1999.
M.D. (Medicine)
Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, 2004.
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Selected Publications

Forsyth KS, Toothacre NE, Jiwrajka N, Driscoll AM, Shallberg LA, Cunningham-Rundles C, Barmettler S, Farmer J, Verbsky J, Routes J, Beiting DP, Romberg N, May MJ, Anguera MC.: Maintenance of X chromosome inactivation after T cell activation requires NF-κB signaling. Sci Immunol 9: eado0398, Oct 2024.

Gallo PM, Kim J, McNerney KO, Diorio C, Foley C, Kagami L, Wagner K, Petrosa WL, Conlon H, Gollomp KL, Canna SW, Seif AE, Conrad MA, Kelsen JR, Romberg N, Bassiri H, Sullivan KE, Teachey DT, Paessler ME, Behrens EM, Lambert MP.: Serum cytokine panels in pediatric clinical practice. J Allergy Clin Immunol Sep 2024.

Trang KB, Sharma P, Cook L, Mount Z, Thomas RM, Kulkarni NN, Pahl MC, Pippin JA, Su C, Kaestner KH, O'Brien JM, Wagley Y, Hankenson KD, Jermusyk A, Hoskins JW, Amundadottir LT, Xu M, Brown KM, Anderson SA, Yang W, Titchenell PM, Seale P, Zemel BS, Chesi A, Romberg N, Levings MK, Grant SFA, Wells AD.: 3D chromatin-based variant-to-gene maps across 57 human cell types reveal the cellular and genetic architecture of autoimmune disease susceptibility. medRxiv Aug 2024.

Reid W, Romberg N.: Inborn Errors of Immunity and Cytokine Storm Syndromes. Adv Exp Med Biol August 2024.

Castaño D, Wang S, Atencio-Garcia S, Shields EJ, Rico MC, Sharpe H, Bustamante J, Feng A, Le Coz C, Romberg N, Tobias JW, Utz PJ, Henrickson SE, Casanova JL, Bonasio R, Locci M.: IL-12 drives the differentiation of human T follicular regulatory cells. Sci Immunol 9: eadf2047, Jul 2024.

Lanahan SM, Yang L, Jones KM, Qi Z, Cabrera EC, Cominsky LY, Ramaswamy A, Barmada A, Gabernet G, Uthaya Kumar DB, Xu L, Shan P, Wymann MP, Kleinstein SH, Rao VK, Mustillo P, Romberg N, Abraham RS, Lucas CL.: PI3Kγ in B cells promotes antibody responses and generation of antibody-secreting cells. Nat Immunol May 2024.

Le Coz C, Trofa M, Butler DL, Yoon S, Tian T, Reid W, Cruz Cabrera E, Knox AVC, Khanna C, Sullivan KE, Heimall J, Takach P, Fadugba OO, Lawrence M, Jyonouchi S, Hakonarson H, Wells AD, Handler S, Zur KB, Pillai V, Gildersleeve JC, Romberg N.: The common variable immunodeficiency IgM repertoire narrowly recognizes erythrocyte and platelet glycans. J Allergy Clin Immunol Apr 2024.

Crockett AM, Kebir H, Anderson SA, Jyonouchi S, Romberg N, Alvarez JI.: 22q11.2 Deletion-Associated Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Potentiates Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome Neurologic Features. J Clin Immunol 44: 87, Apr 2024.

Romberg N, Le Coz C.: Common variable immunodeficiency, cross currents, and prevailing winds. Immunol Rev Nov 2023.

Penner C, Datta R, Ebube J, Romberg N.: Enterobacter cloacae, a Rare Cause of Cervical Lymphadenitis in X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease. J Clin Immunol November 2023.

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Last updated: 10/15/2024
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