NIH Administrative Supplement Awards

Recipients of Supplement Awards in HIV/AIDS

Fiscal Year Investigators Title of Project Supplement Topic
2024 David Metzger, PhD The CFAR Social and Behavioral Science Research Network Annual Meeting NIH Administrative Supplement: Inter-CFAR Meeting
2023 Cedric Bien-Gund. MD Implementation of community pharmacy-based rapid HIV testing and PrEP in Philadelphia NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Leveraging Pharmacies to Advance HIV Testing, Prevention, and Care
2023 Malitta Engstrom, PhD, LCSW Feasibility and Acceptability of Extended-Release Buprenorphine and Peer Services Among Adults with HIV and OUD Exiting Jail NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement:Strategies to Improve Linkage to HIV Care and Services Post-Incarceration
2022 Bita Farkhad, PhD Collaborative Network of EHE Communities to Support Computational Efforts to Improve Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Policy in the United States NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Planning projects to support participatory data science research efforts toward Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States
2022 Dolores Albaraccin , PhD Forming Strategic Alliances Across Rural Jurisdictions to Reach EHE Goals Through Implementation Research on Digital Interventions NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Strategic alliances across jurisdictions to reach EHE goals through implementation research
2022 Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA Evaluating the B-OK bottles as an implementation strategy to improve treatment adherence support by medical case managers NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Applying behavioral economic approaches to design implementation strategies for HIV testing, prevention, and cure
2022 Stephen Bonett, PhD Implementation Evaluation of The Philadelphia TelePrEP Program NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Implementation Strategies to Facilitating a Status Neutral Approach to HIV Prevention and Treatment
2022 Marné Castillo, PhD & Nadia Dowshen, MD Adolescent Mobile Health Unit Community Collaborative – Addressing Barriers to HIV services in Philadelphia NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Implementation Strategies to Facilitating a Status Neutral Approach to HIV Prevention and Treatment
2022 Florence Momplaisir, MD, MSHP & Kelly Jordan-Sciutto, PhD Penn CFAR Scholars for Diversity in AIDS Research CFAR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pipeline Initiative (CDEIPI)
2021 Sarah Bachman, PhD Team Implementation Research: Evaluation and Optimization of the Philadelphia MCM Model NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement:  Team Initiated Implementation Research
2021 Laura Vella, MD, PhD Enriched single cell multi-omic profiling to identify the phenotype of HIV-infected cells in tissue NIH Administrative Supplement:  Understanding HIV Reservoir Establishment, Maintenance, Control & Clearance
2021 Dovie Watson, MD, MSCE Perspectives in HIV biomedical prevention among racially/ethnically diverse transgender and gender diverse adults in the United States NIH Administrative Supplement:  Uptake & retention for long-acting HIV prevention and treatment
2021 Sarah Wood, MD, MSHP Rapid STI Screening for Engagement of High-Risk Adolescents in HIV Prevention Research NIH Administrative Supplement:  Equipment for CFAR Cores
2020 David Metzger, PhD Expanding Mobile Research Capacity NIH Administrative Supplement:  Equipment for CFAR Cores
2020 José Bauermeister, MPH, PhD System -level intervention to optimize HIV testing & PrEP delivery among young sexual and gender minorities in Philadelphia NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement: Prevent Pillar -n 2-Year FY2020 EHE Implementation Science Supplement Opportunity
2020 Rinad Beidas, PhD Implementation mapping to increase the use of evidence-based interventions in the HIV continuum of care NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement:  Treat Pillar – EHE Team-initiated Implementation Research
2020 Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, PhD Social Media Mining for Tailored PrEP Intervention NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement:  Prevent Pillar – Evaluating and Developing Data-Driven Messages and Communication Strategies for EHE
2020 David Metzger, PhD Inter-CFAR National CFAR CAB Coalition Annual Meeting NIH Administrative Supplement:  Inter-CFAR Meeting
2020 Golnaz Vahedi, PhD Application of innovative technologies, such as single-cell analysis approaches and intracellular, intravital, or whole-body imaging, to better understand factors that impact HIV persistence and clearance NIH Administrative Supplement:  Overcoming Barriers to HIV Reservoir Clearance
José Bauermeister, MPH, PhD
Implementation barriers and opportunities to optimize HIV Testing and PrEP delivery among young men who have sex with men in Philadelphia NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement:
Katharine Bar, MD & Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen, PhD
A Droplet Digital PCR Instrument to Characterize HIV Reservoirs NIH Administrative Supplement:  Equipment for CFAR Cores
2019 David Hill, MD, PhD Adipose Tissue Macrophage Dysfunction During HIV Infection NIH Administrative Supplement: Obseogenic Mechanisms During HIV Infection
2019 David Issadore, PhD An Ultrasensitive Blood Based Diagnostic for Tuberculosis Using Nanomagnetic Sorted Outer Membrane Veiscles NIH Administrative Supplement: Tuberculosis Research
2019 David Metzger, PhD The CFAR Social and Behavioral Science Research Network Annual Meeting NIH Administrative Supplement: Inter-CFAR Meeting
2017 Robin Stevens, PhD Identifying key characteristics for HIV prevention using Social Media NIH Administrative Supplement: Multidisciplinary Research Project from a Scientific Working Group (SWG)
2017 James Riley, PhD Equipment supplement to bolster resources for single cell studies: 10x Genomics’ New ChromiumTM System NIH Administrative Supplement:  Equipment for CFAR Core
2016 Kushol Gupta, PhD Structural Basis for Posttranslational Modification of HIV-1 Integrase NIH Administrative Supplement: HIV and Host Factor Targets for Structural Research
2016 Lentlametse Mantshonyane The Botswana Rapid ARV Initiation Evaluation (BRAVE Study) NIH Administrative Supplement: Rapid HIV Treatment Initiation:  Implementation Models, Uptake, and HIV Care Continuum Outcomes
2016 Kyoung Jae Won, PhD An integrated phylodynamic, partner, and social network analysis of HIV transmission in Philadelphia NIH Administrative Supplement: HIV Transmission Phylodynamics