
md-phd faculty advisors

MD-PhD students have access to many different levels of mentoring. The MD-PhD program assigns all students an individual Program Advisor (PAs), which are analogous to the Advisory Deans assigned to MD students. The group of people who serve as PAs for the MD-PhD program are physician-scientists on the faculty who have been carefully selected by the MD-PhD Steering Committee for this role. All students aside from graduating students are expected to meet with their PAs at least twice a year (fall meeting from Aug-Dec and a spring/summer meeting from Jan-July). Recognizing that career interests are often fluid and evolving during the first half of the program, students are initially assigned to one of the core group of Program Advisors, regardless of specific research or clinical interests. Starting in year 5, students may request to switch to a new Program Advisor based on career interests, as those are more solidified in the later years of the program.  All students are strongly encouraged to be in touch with their PAs more often than the minimal requirement -either through additional meetings or by e-mail or phone. Our vision is that the MD-PhD program advisor will help provide mentoring and guidance on many issues, particularly those unique to MD-PhD training and careers. Check out the Directory of Program Advisors.

other faculty advisors

MPHD Student on BeachIn addition to the MD-PhD program advisor, students will receive guidance from a wide variety of other sources:   the Medical School Associate Deans, Graduate Group Chairs and advisors, thesis mentors, thesis committee members, and other faculty members. We strongly encourage you to network and talk with a diverse group of faculty members about your training and career plans.

staff and students

You will also meet individually at least once a year with Maggie Krall, Director of Administration. Among other things, she can help students connect with other students in the program who have insights on particular issues.

events and meetings

Each year the program holds class meetings and panel discussions, which also serve as sources of guidance through each phase of the program.

women's group

Association of Women Student MD-PhDs (AWSM) — The program hosts a number of informal discussions throughout the year for MD-PhD physician-scientist students, residents, fellows and faculty members. The goal is to provide a comfortable forum for conversation about issues that affect women physician-scientists and MD/PhD students in unique ways.