Upcoming Events

Please click on the buttons/links to reveal more information about each event and how to register/sign up. Please contact us with any questions.

Click HERE to see some photos from our past events!

On-Line Virtual Video Support Group/Webinar for People with HD and their Loved Ones: 4th Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm

HD Center of Excellence at Penn Medicine's Support Group/Webinar:

**To reserve your slot:**

Find Support Group information, under Patient Care tab Support Group or click here

Please RSVP to Lauren Zelouf, MSW, LCSW

Phone: 215-829-3038 or message us on MyPennMedicine

(*Link and directions will be sent when we confirm your space*

39th Annual HDSA Convention in Spokane, Washington

Huntington's Disease Youth Organization (HDYO) 6th North American Young Person Camp

The Huntington's Disease Youth Organization (HDYO) is excited to announce its 6th North American Young Person Camp on August 11-15, 2024, at Camp St Charles in Maryland.

HDYO's camp offers young people the chance to meet others impacted by HD while also learning about the disease and how to cope with it. The camp provides educational workshops and opportunities for young people to share their stories with others who have similar experiences. The camp also has many fun on-site activities, including swimming, rock climbing, hiking, and archery.

Goal - HDYO aims for young people (age 18-25 with some flexibility) attending camp to benefit by feeling less isolated and more supported in addition to coming away from camp with an improved understanding of HD and strong peer connections with other young people in similar situations. There will also be an experienced HD team of professionals and volunteers on-site to support young people at all times. HDYO has an exceptional record of holding amazing camps for young people impacted by HD. 

Camp is free for young people to attend! Please sign up below!

Click here for more information!